The Maury Island UFO Incident: The Story behind the Air Force’s first military plane crash

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Book: The Maury Island UFO Incident: The Story behind the Air Force’s first military plane crash by Charlette LeFevre, Philip Lipson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlette LeFevre, Philip Lipson
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to Justice, 2005.
    Thomas Beckham would relate he first met Crisman talking to
Newbrough at a restaurant named Holsum. Joseph is asking Crisman
about federal fraud charges. Crisman states to Newbrough “Didn’t it
scare you when you read “U.S. of America vs. Joseph Newbrough?
How did that hit you?”
    Thomas Beckham occasionally went by the name of Mark Evans as
a recording artist. Crisman oddly helped finance a trip for his new
friend Beckham to New Orleans to promote Beckham’s
Beckham would later make an LP called “Material Witness” in which
he mentioned Crisman.
    In late 1966, Crisman and Thomas E Beckham incorporated seven
Among these companies were the Northwest
Society, Associated Discount Services, TAB Productions, Professional
Research Bureau, and The National Institute of Criminology .-Jeffords,
Edd “Jury orders Crisman to Testify November 21st in Garrison’s JFK Probe Tacoma
News Tribune, November 1, 1968
    Crisman’s relationship with Beckham would
later become
strained. Beckham would state Crisman sent him a message
through Bob Lavender that “If I am subpoenaed as a result of
anything he [Beckham] says to that grand jury, I’ll kill him!” Mellen, Joan A Farewell to Justice, pg. 286.
    Beckham would later confess in his book “Remnants of Truth” that
he lied to the Orleans Grand Jury about Crisman. Beckham would
write in his book, “By no means is this memoir a statement or
confession” but written to clear up questions. He states Jim Garrison
went to his grave “knowing the truth” and that he gained the trust of
officials as well as the mob.
    Beckham said that later he
officials, and did his job well.
acquaintances he had including ”There was not only the death of the
President, “my friend Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Martin, Clay Shaw and
Jack Ruby.
    Beckham believed he was used in some type of a plot. He said if he
knew then, he would have run. “But as far as I ran, someone always
managed to find me (like my CIA buddies Jack Martin and Fred
Crisman).” Beckham relates in his book how right after his brother
contacted him about the newspaper’s announcement of his subpoena
that “Within ten minutes or even less, Jack Martin and Fred Crisman
called me about the same thing.” Crisman and Martin told Beckham
not to worry, “.everything was being taken care of.”
became a courier for government
Beckham would talk of the many
    Beckham wrote a whole chapter entitled “Fred Crisman” in his
book and would write “He always seemed to be there for me, and
always knew where I was, no matter what state I lived in. “ One time
Fred and I were sent to a small town in California to get someone out
of trouble.”
Beckham hid in a closet at the hall of justice and
ransacked the office until they got what they were looking for. On
another occasion, Beckham relates how Fred sprung him from a small
town jail in Louisiana. “I knew that I had it in this rat hole of a town,
but I called Fred and told him I needed help. Within a few hours, I
was told by the jailer to pack up because I was going. It was the best
news I had heard since I had been there, until he said the FBI was
there to get me. I got sick inside, thinking Fred had let me down. But
when I walked out, the first thing I saw was Fred dressed in a gray suit.
He handcuffed me, signed some paper and took me out to a car and
put me in the back seat. We drove a few blocks down before Fred
took the cuffs off.”
    Crisman would drive Beckham to his home in Mississippi and
would later see Beckham again a couple of years later when Beckham
moved to Washington State before moving to Nebraska.
Beckham would also state, “Fred had an auto with a phone that was
hid under the dash.” – Beckham, Thomas, Remnants of Truth, 2008 .
    Crisman would be called Beckham’s “mentor and supervisor” with “an
operative at a deep cover level in a long-range clandestine intelligence
mission…an operative at a

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