The Maury Island UFO Incident: The Story behind the Air Force’s first military plane crash

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Book: The Maury Island UFO Incident: The Story behind the Air Force’s first military plane crash by Charlette LeFevre, Philip Lipson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlette LeFevre, Philip Lipson
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unreliable officer.”
In The January, 1950 issue of Fate Magazine, Crisman denied that the
Maury Island UFO Incident was a hoax.
    “Why, if we were such blackguards and deliberately caused the deaths
of two Air Force Pilots and the loss of a $150,000 airplane did not the
government or some agency there attempt to seek justice through the
courts of the state and federal government” Fate, January,1950
    Crisman was recalled to active duty during the Korean War in 1950.
He served as a fighter pilot for the next two and a half years and he
moved to Japan with his family. In 1953, he returned to teaching in
Elgin, OR. At one point Crisman in the 1950’s underwent psychiatric
treatment in Ft. Steilacoom, Washington.
He later was a teacher and school administrator in a number of high
schools in Washington and Oregon, and he worked for the Boeing
Aircraft Company in Seattle for two years in the early 1960s.
    According to Joan Mellen,”Some thought the entire brouhaha was a
scam to cover up a Boeing aircraft accident involving radioactive
material. Boeing refused to supply Garrison with Crisman’s
employment records.” Mellen, Joan. A Farewell to Justice.
    For years, he was a freelance writer, especially writing books, speeches,
and campaign materials for many political figures, including state
governors and members of the U.S. Congress.
    In the late 1960s, Fred Crisman moved back to his native Tacoma,
Washington, and became involved in a highly charged political struggle
in which he and friends and colleagues sought to end the CityManagement form of government. As part of this struggle, Crisman
became well known and controversial as the host of a radio talk show
using the pseudonym Jon Gold, and he wrote a book about the period
called Murder of a City that was published in 1970.
    On July 22, 1967, Fred Crisman spoke at the Northwest UFO Space
Seattle Center sponsored by Understanding Inc.
concerning Maury Island. He claimed to still have prints of the Maury
Island photographs. This began his correspondence with Gary Lesley
who wanted to get copies of the Maury Island photographs.
provided an address for Harold Dahl in Tenino, WA who he said had
the photographs. Gary Lesley contacted Dahl and asked about damage
to the boat because of the slag. Dahl told Lesley that it was their policy
not to answer letters that wanted to discuss Maury Island, because of
how it was treated by the press. Dahl said he had left the matter up to
Crisman to discuss Maury Island.
In September of 1967, Crisman wrote to Lesley that he did not
approve of his correspondence with Dahl. Crisman said he wanted no
publicity and did not want to get involved in any way.
Thomas Beckham aka Mark Evans, photo from A Farewell to

Crisman and his JFK Connection
    Regardless of the publicity Crisman would
receive during the Maury Island incident; it is
his history later in life and with
the JFK
by Jim
where he would achieve the most notoriety
during his life.
Crisman would become the
first person Clay Shaw would contact after his
    arrest by Jim Garrison for conspiring in the assassination of Pres. John
Kennedy. – Mellen, Joan, A Farewell to Justice, 2005. strongly that
and Shaw were CIA
somehow Crisman was his supervisor or could somehow get him out
of this situation.
This contact implies
Operatives and that
    Crisman himself would be later subpoenaed by the Orleans Grand
Jury in Jan. of 1968 and asked what his relationship was to Thomas
Beckham – a suspect in the JFK assassination. At the time, Crisman
was conducting a talk program on Puyallup radio station KAYE under
the name of Jon Gold. Crisman in his statement to the Jury said he
met Beckham through Harold Dahl in 1966 – that Harold Dahl who
was operating a small second hand store had introduced Thomas
Beckham to Crisman. The facts are that Crisman met Beckham years
earlier in the summer of 1963. Mellen, Joan, A Farewell

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