intruder fled through electric-blue flashes, through the open gate, into the street, and away.
Just the dog, Carol said.
Paul frowned. I thought I saw
A face. A woman looking back
just for a second, just as she went through the gate.
No, Carol said. It was Jasper.
You saw him?
Well, no, not clearly. But I could see enough to tell that it was a dog the size of a small pony, and Jaspers the only pooch around who fits that description.
I guess Jaspers a lot smarter than he used to be.
Carol blinked. What do you mean?
Well, he had to unlatch the gate to get into the yard. He never used to be able to do that trick.
Oh, of course he didnt. We must have left the gate open.
Paul shook his head. Im sure it was closed when we drove up a while ago.
Closed, maybebut not latched. The wind pushed it open, and Jasper wandered in.
Paul stared out at the rain-slashed fog, which glowed dully with the last somber rays of the fading twilight. I guess youre right, he said, though he was not entirely convinced. I better go latch the gate.
No, no, Carol said quickly. Not while the storms on.
Now look here, sugarface, Im not going to jump into bed and pull the blankets over my head every time theres a little thunderjust because of what happened this afternoon.
I dont expect you to, she said. But before you start dancing in the rain like Gene Kelly, youve got to let me get over what happened today. Its still too fresh in my mind for me to stand here watching you while you cavort across the lawn in the lightning.
Itll only take a moment and
Say, are you trying to get out of making that fettuccine? she asked, cocking her head and looking at him suspiciously.
Certainly not. Ill finish making it as soon as Ive gone and closed the gate.
I know what youre up to, mister, she said smugly. Youre hoping you will be struck by lightning because you know your sauce is going to turn out lumpy, and you simply cant take the humiliation.
Thats a base canard, he said, falling easily into their game again. I make the silkiest fettuccine Alfredo this side of Rome. Silkier than Sophia Lorens thighs.
All I know is, the last time you made it, the stuff was as lumpy as a bowl of oatmeal.
I thought you said it was as lumpy as a mattress in a ten-dollar-a-night motel.
She lifted her head proudly. Im not just a one-simile woman, you know.
How well I know.
So are you going to make fettuccineor will you take the cowards way out and get killed by lightning?
Ill make you eat your words, he said.
Grinning, she said, Thats easier than eating your lumpy fettuccine.
He laughed. All right, all right. You win. I can latch the gate in the morning.
He returned to the stove, and she went back to the cutting board where she was mincing parsley and scallions for the salad dressing.
He knew she was probably right about the intruder. Most likely, it had been Jasper, chasing a cat or looking for an Oreo handout. The thing hed thought he had seenthe slightly twisted, moon-white face of a woman, lightning reflected in her eyes, her mouth curled into a snarl of hatred or ragehad surely been a trick of light and shadow. Still, the incident left him uneasy. He could not entirely regain the warm, cozy feeling hed had just before hed looked out the window.
Grace Mitowski filled the yellow plastic bowl with Meow Mix and put it in the corner by the kitchen door.
Aristophanes didnt respond.
The kitchen wasnt Aris favorite place in the house, for it was the only room in which he was not permitted to climb wherever he wished. He wasnt actually much of a climber anyway. He lacked the spirit of adventure that many cats had, and he usually stayed on the floor. However, even though he had no burning desire to
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