The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

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Book: The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them by W. Anton Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. Anton
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prophesy because confidence is crucial to your success with women as it is the primary expression of masculinity, necessary to appear less vulnerable than females.
    The only good news is that society has evolved and everyone have benefitted, but at the cost of individual happiness. In the end, traditional socialization leads to a lot of unhappy males and females who are not enjoying themselves and each other as much as they could.
    Yes, females suffer because of it too!
    However, the more affected you are by traditional socialization, the more you will believe it is only making males’ lives more miserable when they are not getting girls. But to believe that means ignoring females’ sexuality — believing that females are either less interested in sex or unable to enjoy it as much as males do. All men who are good with women know for sure that this idea is false. If there is any difference, it is that females have the potential to enjoy sexual pleasure
than males. Females are not only able to enjoy sex more intensely, as they do not have to hold anything back or think unattractive thoughts to avoid reaching climax, but they are also able to have multiple orgasms. And as far as being interested in sex, females too think about it every day. They cannot even eat a banana without being reminded of sex.
    Still, the prevailing belief that most males have is that they are of less worth than females. Not only do they believe they need toearn women, but they also believe that they gain the most from attaining them because they think a female offers more value by herself than a male does by himself. In particular, they believe that sex is not a mutual pleasure, but a one-way transaction where females lose at the gain of males or a favor that females grant to males. This is why the mainstream idea of a man who is good with women is that he is a sort of sexual thief, taking what
women. A ladies man “uses” women as if sex were not a mutually pleasurable act. But if men really did “exploit” women, they would not be so popular with them, now would they?
    If anyone is getting more out of it than the other, it is the females who enjoy an experienced man. It may very well be that females are mainly at the mercy of a male’s sexual skill to enjoy the
potential of their pleasure in bed. This is an experience the ordinary male may not be able to provide because he has not had enough practice, he does not appreciate his ordinary female enough to make the effort, and she has not been with more experienced males to understand the pleasure she is missing.
    Unfortunately, many females are no better themselves, and they make the very same mistake males do because they are conditioned to react in the same way as males. That is why they will look with initial skepticism at a book like this, until they realize that having more males who are more attractive and more adept at treating women well would actually benefit them too, perhaps benefit them the most, at least if they are attractive.
    However, females are not the only ones who will automatically react with skepticism and even fight against their own best interests when something challenges their social beliefs; in fact,
will. That is the expected response and one of the challenges that you will face if you do not follow the informal rules of society. Most people will eventually come around if yousit them down and explain how their upbringing has influenced them, and they will slowly be able to step back and look at the situation more objectively. However, to even propose ideas that go against our traditional socialization, even further to take action that defies it — such as to pursue women without being successful or rich — will present some mental challenges. Nevertheless, it is still the most effective approach; it is what you should do, and what this book is about.
    For an individual male, it is in his best interest to change his attitude, but for

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