The Maid For Pleasure Bundle 2

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Book: The Maid For Pleasure Bundle 2 by Nadia Nightside Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Nightside
terrible taste on his own, but Hayley didn't mind so much playing dress up with him. Men were little more than toys to her, and Simon the latest (and most successful) in a long line of such toys.
    “Of course , dear,” said Hayley. “We’ve been over this. I think this will be splendid.”
    Hayley smiled bright. She just knew that getting a Castle Maid was going to shape their lives for the better.
    The day was autumn cool. Leaves swirled down the drive. The building in front of them had the name “CASTLE” in big, blocky white letters over the door. It was an out of the way place, buried deep in a wheat field on the state border.
    Simon was a novelist, spending all his time in droll libraries filled with books, tapping away in his under-decorated study. He was intelligent, funny, handsome, and sensitive. And it was that last part—his sensitivity, that Hayley had a bit of a problem with.
    Hayley wanted him to be more dominant. She wanted him to feel like he could take charge, whenever and wherever. She wanted to see his testosterone flying through the roof. Maybe even slap her around in bed once in a while, give her a good spanking, something like that. Buy her a fur coat, and demand she put it on while he fucked her. God, she would love that. For him to just bathe her in luxury like that. She had dropped plenty of hints about wearing fur coats for him, but he had not yet taken the bait.
    Of course, maybe he felt bad about such things, as she had all the money in the relationship. Her family, the Haus Agency, oversaw the operations of a number of security firms all across the world. Simon had never murmured a word of dissatisfaction over Hayley’s wealth, nor had he ever once asked her for money. That was well enough—though Hayley loved having power over him, loved being able to make all their collective financial decisions because she controlled such a vast portion of their money. His writing earnings were small, but enough for him to pay his own way, most of the time.
    Certainly, however, he didn’t earn enough to pay for a Castle Maid. Hayley had to put up one hundred thousand dollars just to have the tour of the facilities. It would be another several hundred thousand still, before the day was done, depending on which Maid model they decided to purchase.
    At any rate, her hope was that having another female around might spice up his sex drive. It was only natural, after all, for a man presented with multiple mates to feel his desires grow.
    Without a doubt, Hayley didn't view herself as part of the problem. She was a tall, lovely woman. When she was younger, she had been a gymnast, and had kept most of that flexibility and slender form. Her hair was sandy blond, kept stylishly short with her bangs floating down around her dark hazelnut eyes. Her breasts, while not huge, were still a sumptuous B cup, and didn't detract from her legs and ass, which she felt were her best features.
    She didn't like to think of herself in such objectifying terms, of course, but it was hard not to when she was trying to get Simon to jump her bones more often.
    In her circles—those of the ultra-rich—it was was well-known that Castle Maids were the number one way to increase sexual activity in a household. With a Castle Maid in the house, women felt more confident than ever, men felt much much more confident than ever, and to top it off, the household had a servant who only had to be purchased one time, and ever after would be obediently cleaning, cooking, sucking and fucking at any old time of the day.
    It sounded like the ideal arrangement for Hayley. She didn't want to have to work through the ordeal of finding some magical unicorn—a bisexual girl who was disease-free and happy to be the third wheel in a relationship. No, a Castle Maid was the way to go. Simon had his doubts, citing some strange incidents where the women in Castle Maid households were rumored to become raving nymphomaniacs and the men started fucking

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