Reason to Wed (The Distinguished Rogues Book 7)

Read Online Reason to Wed (The Distinguished Rogues Book 7) by Heather Boyd - Free Book Online

Book: Reason to Wed (The Distinguished Rogues Book 7) by Heather Boyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Boyd
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance, Genre Fiction, Victorian
but you won’t always be alone,” Esme assured her, relieved the woman would confide in her. “You must be careful whom you reveal your true nature to and whom you trust. There are good men who can fill your needs without crushing your will into the bargain.”
    “Like who?”
    “Like…” Did she really want to push Jillian into another man’s arms, control, so soon after losing her husband? Jillian undoubtedly needed time to grieve for Benjamin and decide if she wanted that life still. She could give the woman hope though. “The relationship you had depended on mutual respect and affection. That takes time. I could not in good conscience suggest any one man who could suit you. Only you can know what you need by spending time with them.”
    “You’ve given me much to think about.” Jillian stared at her and then blushed. “When I married Ben, I did not know I was like this. For a long time I feared I was perverse.”
    Esme curled her arm through Jillian’s again and led her along the path that would take them back to the house. “You are a good woman and deserve respect no matter how you find pleasure,” she promised. “Do not rush into the next bed just because a man will say you must belong in him.”
    She had always liked Jillian. Although not a fixture in society, Esme had come to feel a deep affection for Windermere’s sister from the few weeks they’d spent in each other’s company over the years. Jillian was funny and kind and possessed a keen intelligence Esme couldn’t bear to see harmed.
    “I will do as you suggest and not rush. Thank you, Esme,” she said with a smile. “My brother might think he’s patching up your supposed rift but I am very glad you’ve come, if only to advise me. I might have made a terrible mistake with Lord Hogan.”
    Esme said nothing to that, but was very glad Jillian’s eyes had been opened to the variety of men in the world, and the power she had in choosing one.
    Jillian’s gaze sharpened, focusing over Esme’s shoulder. “I suppose I should be getting back to the housekeeper too. My brother’s parties at least keep my mind occupied so I don’t miss Ben so much. And I think a gentleman wishes to speak with you.”
    Esme rolled her eyes and turned, expecting to find Lord Windermere ready to berate her for warning Jillian off Lord Hogan—and instead found Albert Meriwether approaching, his stride determined as he bore down on them.
    She squeezed Jillian’s hand. “Do pass along my compliments to the housekeeper and staff too. Last night’s ball was a wonderful success.”
    “They will be thrilled to hear you think so. The poor dears worry so.” Jillian laughed softly. “I’ll see you later for tea with Harriet.”
    “Of course.” Esme affected an ease to hide her irritation when Meriwether bowed. “Mr. Meriwether. What an unexpected surprise. Glorious day, isn’t it?”
    The man smiled shyly. “Am I disturbing you?”
    She had once thought his smile endearing, but now his manner annoyed her. She shrugged, glancing over her former lover and seeing him in an entirely new light. His affectionate nature hadn’t truly increased with a longer acquaintance. What had she been thinking to believe a holiday together would bring them closer? It had done the exact opposite. He’d come here with an agenda that Esme played no part in. “Certainly not.”
    He drew closer. “I couldn’t help but notice you seem very somber.”
    Talking with Jillian and speaking of Vera’s tragic death had been a melancholy business, but such moments were short-lived. “I am in excellent spirits, as always,” she told him. She gestured to the riding crop in his hands. “Are you just come from your fiancée’s home?”
    Meriwether shuffled his feet. “Oh yes, a pleasant luncheon with her family.”
    “Ah,” Esme murmured, realizing how little she was affected by his news. Neither angry nor sad nor even disappointed in the situation. She didn’t feel anything about

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