The Magic Book series, book 1
defensively. Sorrel and Campion darted
forward to restrain him.

    “Oh no, don’t
be afraid. I mean you no harm,” Nightshade retreated back and up
into the air a short way, holding up his hands to show no malice.
He continued, addressing Sophie and Felicity, “I simply wish to
have the chance to thank you both myself. You have set me free! If
there is ever… ever,” he emphasised, “anything you need, I will be
at your service.” He alighted back onto the stage and bowed, but
before he could straighten again, the girls rushed at him and
almost bowled him over with the biggest hug.
    “Oh!” came the
surprised Nightshade’s muffled voice, also slightly winded with the
ferocity of their impact!
    “Now, for a
toast….” Queen Tara interjected. Drinks were hastily handed out to
    The two girls
and Nightshade had regained their composure on stage. They appeared
completely at ease together, standing with their arms linked, glass
in hand, as if they’d always been the best of friends.
    “To Sophie and
Felicity!” Queen Tara called to the crowd, holding her glass aloft
to toast the occasion.
    “To Sophie and
Felicity!” echoed the enthusiastic crowd, heads tilting back in
unison as everyone drank. The crowd then resumed chanting, “Sophie,
Felicity! Sophie, Felicity!”
    “I feel funny,”
muttered Felicity, swaying slightly. “Oh, we’re going home aren’t
we?” she added, remembering the sensation and that bitter sweet
taste from before.
    “Sadly for us,
yes my child, but no doubt we will meet again,” Queen Tara
answered, her beautiful eyes resting kindly on them.
    The happy
chanting of “Sophie, Felicity!” continued, but began to fade until
it seemed to be just an echo in their heads…..

Felicity….. Sophie, Felicity…!” The girls smiled at the sound of
their names being chanted by a grateful crowd - only it didn’t
sound quite right for it to be the collective voices of the
fairies. Sophie, her eyes still closed, frowned trying to make
sense of it.
Felicity, wakey, wakey!” Mrs Vincent was clicking her fingers in
front of their faces, trying to snap them out of their stupor.
    They blinked,
still disorientated.
    “This is no
time for taking a cat nap!” With that she gently but firmly helped
them to their feet and steered them by the shoulders into the
school hall.
    They just had
time to take in that the clouds had melted away and the sunshine
had returned as it had done in Serenia – Serenia! The girls smiled
at each other broadly as recollections of their adventures flashed
like clips from a film through their mind’s eye.
indicated to Sophie with her eyes to their very own magic book,
tucked safely in her blouse; Sophie acknowledging their special
secret with just a wink in return.
    Mrs Vincent
began to speak, more to herself than to the girls, “Oh, this crazy
weather will make up its mind what it’s going to do soon, I hope!
I’ve never known anything like it. They say it was only raining
over our school, the rest of Horley has been completely dry and
sunny – how strange?! Oh well, let’s get you back to class.”
    “Don’t worry,
Mrs Vincent, I have a feeling that it’s going to be much sunnier
for the foreseeable future,” Sophie beamed up at her.

    That afternoon,
when their mother met them from school, she asked her usual
question. “Had a good day at school today girls?” she braced
herself for the now expected sulky answers.
EVER!!” chorused the girls with great enthusiasm and huge
    Now she wasn’t
expecting that!

    The End.
    Well, yes, it’s the end
of this adventure but……
    little did Sophie and
Felicity know at the time, that there were to be more!
    Why wait? I've included
a sample of their next adventure, right here, after my 'About the
Author' and 'Other Titles' piece, just to 'wet' your appetites -
pun intended! If you'd like to read the whole book, simply follow
my handy

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