The Magic Book series, book 1
they felt they could dance no
more and their stomachs were fit to burst.
    Sophie and
Felicity, who’d found brief respite under a secluded toadstall from
all the fairies who wanted to dance with them, couldn’t help
feeling a little disappointed that Queen Tara was absent. It just
didn’t feel quite right without her.
    Then, as if
she’d read their thoughts, the music stopped and a gasp went up as
she came into view and alighted onto a small stage.
    Her people
bowed and curtseyed, yet unable to take their eyes off of her. She
looked stunning! The tiara she wore in her hair radiated a warm
golden glow. Pearl earrings and a matching necklace complimented
her dress, where more pearls adorned the bodice. The moonlight
played over them giving them the appearance of droplets of
pearlised milk. The dress itself was made of the finest silk, dyed
in the softest shade of pink. From her tiny waist the tiered,
lace-edged fabric fell like a waterfall, right down to her dainty
ankles. Her exquisite shoes, glittering with sparkle dust,
completed her attire. She raised both hands above her head, one of
which was holding her very special wand, then by lowering them
slowly she indicated for everyone to be seated.
    A strange
apprehension fell over the waiting fairies, unable to prevent
themselves from remembering the last time someone stood on that
very spot with the terrible news that Queen Tara herself, and The
Book, had been captured.
    Queen Tara took
a deep breath, before addressing the uneasy crowd. “As you know all
too well, it has been a very trying time lately. In fact none of us
would be here at all if it wasn't for the bravery and steadfast
belief of Felicity and Sophie…” She was forced to pause as a great
cheer of relief and joy went up from the crowd.
    When hush
returned, she continued, “As a token of our gratitude, I would like
to present them with a gift on behalf of us all. Please… come.” She
beckoned for the girls to step up onto the stage with her.
    They curtseyed
to her shyly before they stood at her side. Bryony stepped up and
handed the Queen something.
    She continued,
“I asked The Book for a fitting gift, and this is what it drew and
gave life to.”
    As she held the
object out to the girls, the cloth which had been covering it
simply melted away like smoke, but when it cleared, what it
revealed was unimaginable. It was another book!

    “This book has
the same powers as mine,” Queen Tara continued to explain. “Such is
our debt of gratitude to you, that The Book has seen fit to bestow
upon you the greatest gift possible; a copy of itself! It is yours
to keep and use with great care. Once in your land it will look
plain and ordinary, so as not to draw attention, but as you now
both understand, it is anything but!”
    “Wow!” the
girls gasped, blushing profusely at the magnitude of such a gift,
let alone the wonderful speech the Queen had given and the amazing
things she’d said about them.
tentatively took their Book from her and, almost mesmerised by it,
she stroked it softly and slowly, turning it in her hands as if
touching it might help her believe what she was in possession of.
This one was pink and each page was edged with shimmering silver
fairy dust. In its spine was a pen snuggled safe. It gave a little
wriggle, as if in acknowledgement of their presence.
    “I don’t know
what to say. We have had the best time - although it was almost the
worst!” added Sophie hastily.
    “This gift is
way too much - are you sure?” questioned Felicity. Some
affectionate laughter rippled round the onlookers.
certainly,” reaffirmed Queen Tara. A resounding cheer went up
again, everyone clearly eager to echo her sentiments.
    Suddenly there
was a flash of purple as Nightshade swooped down onto the little
stage. Horrified shrieks ripped through the crowd as they all
shrank back.
instinctively protected The Book, wrapping it tightly in her arms
and turning her body away

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