The M Word

Read Online The M Word by Beverly Farr - Free Book Online

Book: The M Word by Beverly Farr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Farr
Tags: Baby, Chick lit, music, Friendship, love, sweet romance, clean romance, wedding, clean, sweet, bride, pregnant
“So, are
you doing this for the green card?”
    Brenda froze. The room, which had been filled
with noise grew unnaturally quiet and everyone seemed to stare at
her and Marius. Brenda forced herself to smile and tried to think
of a smart comeback, but then Marius spoke.
    “I am not marrying your sister for a green
card,” he said clearly. “I am marrying her because I love her and I
want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
    It was the perfect response. Brenda knew he
was lying, but she appreciated the generosity of his expression.
She sensed that Marius would never purposely try to embarrass or
humiliate her. They were a team, now. She felt a surge of gratitude
and impulsively reached over and kissed his bearded cheek.
    She felt the collective emotional approval
from the crowd. The awkward moment was glossed over and forgotten.
This was followed by a few more hugs and last minute advice.
    As they walked to her car, Brenda said
quietly. “Thank you for today. I know my family can be
overwhelming, but thank you.”
    Marius smiled. “I like your family.”


    When sisters invited her out on Tuesday, the
night before the wedding, Brenda should have realized that they had
hidden motives. What she thought was going to be a quiet dinner at
one of her favorite restaurants turned into a surprise bachelorette
party at a local hotel that lasted until three in the morning and
deteriorated into a slumber party. Kelly apologized for not warning
her. “I thought it was just a surprise dinner with your friends,”
she said quietly when her sisters weren’t listening. As it was,
Kelly stayed for the professional manicure and pedicure, but had to
leave before midnight. Their friend Andrea made a joke about Lars
being a ball and chain.
    Brenda would have liked to sneak out herself,
but didn’t want to look like an ungrateful party-pooper.
    At least her sisters had been smart enough
not to hire a male stripper and settled for DVDs of romantic movies
playing in the background.
    Brenda had called Marius at ten p.m. to warn
him that she didn’t know when she’d be home. “Have fun,” he said.
“And I’ll see you in the morning.”
    “Don’t expect me before noon,” she said, and
it was closer to one p.m. when she drove back to the house.
    She’d only had two drinks and had avoided
most of the high fat and high sugar foods, but she still felt as if
she’d been run over by a truck. She’d be very glad when all this
wedding celebration was over.
    She heard Marius singing when she opened the
front door. She smiled, and hummed along. She supposed that in a
few years, she’d become an expert on opera as well.
    “Good morning,” she called out.
    He walked into the living room, wearing jeans
and a polo shirt. “Good afternoon,” he corrected. “Are you hungry
or do you need to take a nap?”
    Brenda clutched the back of the couch for
support. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Marius had shaved.
    “Your beard,” she gasped.
    He nodded, rubbing his hand along his square
jaw. “I thought I should clean up for the wedding. Look nicer.”
    Nicer? That was an understatement. He had
been a good looking man, although hairy, with the beard, but
without it, he was gorgeous, like a Renaissance painting of a
warrior angel with his thick curling hair and classic features.
    He smiled at her bemusement and she realized
that he had a slight dimple in one cheek. Deborah would never get
over her crush if she saw him now.
    He added, “I didn’t want you to think you
were marrying a werewolf.”
    Brenda swallowed. “And you cut your hair,
    “A little,” he admitted. His thick hair now
curled around his ears and nape instead of down to his shoulders.
“I never thought I’d get married with my hair longer than my
bride’s,” he teased.
    “I’m glad you didn’t shave it all off,” she
said, but realized that he’d probably look good bald, too, - like a
sexy biker. She could imagine him riding a Harley in a

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