The Last Target

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Book: The Last Target by Christy Barritt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Barritt
Tags: Love Inspired Suspense
his award. He was really looking forward to it.”
    “You should take him.”
    Rachel did a double-take at her uncle, sure she hadn’t heard him correctly. “What was that?”
    “You should take him, Rachel. You can’t let this placebecome a prison. Besides, it could be days—or months even—until Apaka is rounded up. You know I don’t believe in letting fear hold you back. If it does, then the enemy wins.”
    “But isn’t there a difference between fear and common sense right now? I should probably just lay low.”
    Her uncle shook his head. “Jack should be able to arrange the trip for you. Just use extra caution. You can’t hide out here forever. That’s not living at all.”
    “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Jack interjected. He’d been quiet for most of their visit, but now Rachel could see the concern in his eyes. It had to be a very real worry for him to contradict her uncle. “Security will be difficult in that environment.”
    Her uncle narrowed his eyes, suddenly becoming all business. “This is what we’re paying you for. Put your best men out there. I’m confident that you’ll be up for the job.”
    “I’m not questioning your decision, but—”
    “Good, then arrange for Aidan to be able to go on his field trip. He earned it. I like to see good work rewarded.”
    Rachel and Jack exchanged a glance. She forced a smile at Aidan, who smiled triumphantly. Jack had less than twenty-four hours to get everything together before the field trip. And Rachel had less than twenty-four hours to try and conquer her nerves before they got the best of her.

    A fter eating dinner, they walked her uncle back out to the waiting SUV that would escort him back to the Department of Defense. As they hugged goodbye, Uncle Arnold grasped her arms and locked gazes with her.
    “Rachel, Jack here is the best. I know he’ll take care of you. You just need to listen to him. He knows what he’s doing. Can you do that?”
    Rachel reluctantly nodded. The more she was around Jack, the farther away she wanted to be. It wasn’t that he was unpleasant. It was simply that being around Jack caused her heart to do things it shouldn’t. Being with someone like Jack wouldn’t be good for her or Aidan. She needed someone with a safe career, someone she could depend on to come home every evening. Jack wasn’t that man—not that he’d made any offers to the position, even.
    Her uncle bent down to eye level with Aidan. “You have fun at the zoo tomorrow, okay?”
    Aidan nodded with a grin and then gave his uncle a hug.
    Rachel wished her uncle hadn’t brought the zoo up again. She was still Aidan’s mom, and she still had the chance to change her mind, if that’s what she thought was best for her son. Still, Uncle Arnold thought it would be okay if they went—that Jack and his men could handle it. Was she being too paranoid? She realized this complex could become aprison if she let it. Maybe getting away would be a good thing.
    They watched as her uncle pulled away. She was glad he’d come, but talking to him had made everything become all too real. This wasn’t a joke or a misunderstanding or a dream.
    Somehow, Rachel Reynolds, a nonprofit director, had become the target of a terrorist organization. Her office building had been bombed. Terrorists had sent her threats directly to the Department of Defense. Her friend Nancy was dead, and her colleague George was the main suspect. She shook her head.
    Jack turned to them. “Listen, it’s been a long day. A long couple of days, for that matter. How about we go fishing?”
    “Fishing?” Aidan’s eyes danced with joy at the prospect.
    Rachel wished she could get that excited about life again. “Would you like that, Aidan?”
    He nodded with enough energy to power the entire facility. Jack had assumed as much, because he laughed lightly.
    They met downstairs a few minutes later, and Jack had three fishing poles in hand. Aidan chatted nonstop as they walked

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