‘That’s what he told you,’ said Lauren. ‘We still don’t know for sure if he was telling you the truth.’
‘Or if Pierce Randall are telling the truth when they say that Guy is safe in their hands,’ said Jake. He frowned. ‘Know what I think?’
‘I think we ought to check out Pierce Randall at their HQ.’
‘They’re the key figures here. Their CEO, Alex Munro, gets shot. They get one of his alleged killers out on bail and hide him away. Whatever’s going on, they’re the ones who are running things. They’re the ones who know what’s really happening.’
‘And how will that help us?’
‘Once we get to the bottom of what’s really going on, we’ll be able to prove I’m innocent of killing Munro.’
‘It’s worth a try,’ said Lauren.
‘It’s the only option we’ve got,’ said Jake. ‘Do you remember the name of their solicitor who bailed Guy out?’
Lauren shook her head.
‘I was only interested in getting you out,’ she said. ‘We could always ask DI Bullen.’
‘And my guess is he’ll tell us he’s not allowed to pass on information about other individuals,’ sighed Jake. Then an idea hit him. ‘That solicitor who got me out of custody before!’
‘When they found that dead body in my flat, when all this started. You know, the solicitor from Pierce Randall who arrived at the police station and got me out. What was her name?’ He frowned, struggling to remember.
Lauren shook her head.
‘I didn’t know anything about her. I had troubles of my own.’ She shuddered at her own memory of those times.
‘Sue Clark!’ he burst out. ‘That was her name!’ He picked up his mobile and began searching the listings for Pierce Randall’s phone number.
‘What are you going to ask her?’
‘I’m going to ask if she can arrange for us to see Guy.’
‘Because, like I said, I think he’s in trouble. Either Pierce Randall are keeping him prisoner, or someone else is.’
‘In which case, we won’t be able to see Guy.’
‘And then we’ll know for sure he’s being held against his will.’
‘Or maybe they just want him kept away from us.’
Jake shrugged. ‘Maybe. But at least we’ll get some idea of what’s really going on.’
‘Only if she agrees to see us,’ said Lauren.
‘She’ll see us,’ said Jake grimly. ‘I’m going to make her an offer she can’t refuse.’
The young man hung up his phone. So, Jake Wells and Lauren Graham were on the move. Pierce Randall was their next stop. Good. Things were moving, but not as fast as he would have liked. It was time to step the game up a gear. To move on from just tracking them, hunting them, watching as they made the moves he wanted them to make. It was time to give them a push towards the edge. Then, when they’d delivered, he could kick them over that edge. Dead.
He wondered about Gareth Findlay-Weston. It had been a bold move on his part, the right move to make, but had it got him any further towards his goal?
And then there were ‘the others’. His crew. Sharp, eager, vicious. Should he set them on Jake and his girlfriend?
No, not just yet. He’d see what Jake did, first. See if he went in a direction that was different, not predictable. He’d see what came out of their visit to Pierce Randall.
Chapter 9
Jake and Lauren sat in the reception area of Pierce Randall’s offices, doing their best to look outwardly calm and confident. It wasn’t easy. Both of them knew the deadly power that Pierce Randall could wield, had wielded. The firm pushed the law to its very limits, and — if that didn’t work — then they used blackmail and even murder to get what they wanted. And Pierce Randall got away with it because they were The Law, with fingers in the legislation of almost every country across the world. They were a firm with power, and it showed in this building, Pierce Randall’s London HQ: a wonder of twenty-first-century
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