The Knitting Diaries

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Book: The Knitting Diaries by Debbie Macomber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
Besides, we did discuss going for brunch.”
    She was in no state to deal with his insecurities and frankly she was a little unsettled by the make-believe wedding. “I think you might be making an assumption regarding our relationship, Mel. We’re good friends—”
    “Friends?” he repeated, breaking in. “We’ve been dating exclusively for the past six months. Correction, I’ve been dating you exclusively. And yet Tim is still in your life.”
    “Ellen’s his daughter!”
    “That doesn’t mean you have to be involved with him.”
    Anne Marie expelled her breath and walked into the kitchen. They had to lower their voices, otherwise the girls might hear. “I don’t want to argue about Tim.”
    “I don’t either, but I need to find out where I stand with you. Just tell me flat-out—am I wasting my time here? I know you cared about Tim at one point.”
    “That’s over,” she said immediately. “I told you before.”
    “Is it, Anne Marie?”
    “Yes…” But she didn’t sound nearly as emphatic as she wanted to.
    “I think that tells me everything I need to know.”
    Anne Marie felt terrible.
    Calling goodbye to the girls, Mel started toward the front door. She stopped him. “Don’t go,” she whispered, her hand on his forearm.
    He hesitated.
    Mel exhaled slowly as though undecided.
    Anne Marie slid her arms around his middle and hugged him close. Mel was solid and warm, and she knew exactly where she stood with him. Tim was like shifting sand, not to be trusted. Eventually her heart would align itself with Mel’s.

    April 27
    I’ve made a decision. I’m going to ignore my feelings for Tim and concentrate on Mel. Once I do that, my heart will follow. Ever since last Saturday I’ve been miserable. Well, no more. I refuse to get emotionally involved with Tim again. He’s good for Ellen and she loves him. I can’t and won’t keep him away from his daughter. However, I think Mel might be right. We need to establish a parenting plan. We need an agreement between us. Now that I’ve settled that in my own mind, I want to start a new knitting project. I’d like to make something for Courtney’s wedding. I’m sure Lydia will have a few ideas.
    W ednesday afternoon Tim phoned Anne Marie at the bookstore. “I hope I didn’t cause a problem between you and Mel when I came by the other night,” he said.
    “Why would that be a problem?” she asked, unwilling to mention her argument with Mel. “It wasn’t a bigdeal, and Ellen loved the fact that you went along with her wedding-planner fantasy.”
    “I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be married. I just never expected to have a dog as my best man.”
    Despite herself Anne Marie laughed. “As I recall, he fell asleep during the ceremony. Some best man he turned out to be.”
    “You don’t have any room to talk. Your maid of honor wouldn’t come out from under the bed.”
    After a brief silence, Tim said, “Is Ellen there?”
    “She met up with Casey Goetz after school, but she’s due at the bookstore soon. Any particular reason you’re asking?”
    “Would you mind if I took her to Lake Wisdom? My parents recently bought a cabin there, and since it’s such a sunny afternoon, I thought she might enjoy a boat ride.”
    The weather was unseasonably warm for April, and Anne Marie knew Ellen would love an outing like that. “I’m sure she’d be thrilled.” They discussed the fact that Ellen would need a life vest if she went out on the water, then chatted amicably for a few more minutes.
    “I’ll pick her up at the store in half an hour.”
    Anne Marie glanced at her watch; it was now three-thirty.
    As usual, Tim arrived precisely when he’d said he would. He had on jeans and a light jacket and wore a Mariners baseball cap. It was hard not to stare, to appreciate how handsome he was, but Anne Marie resisted.
    “You ready, Ellen?” he asked.
    She bounced off her chair, slammed her

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