Constructing Us (New Adult Romance)

Read Online Constructing Us (New Adult Romance) by C.J. Lake - Free Book Online

Book: Constructing Us (New Adult Romance) by C.J. Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Lake
and it was frustrating as hell.  Especially since she seemed so oblivious to his desire.  And what relief could there ever be living in close quarters with a woman who drove him crazy, yet saw him only as her platonic roommate? 
    Then again…
    There were moments like these.  When it seemed almost like they shared something--an awareness.  A spark.  Moments when Tragan thought maybe she felt something, too. 
    Until it would pass way too quickly, and he’d be left thinking maybe not.  Like now.  Andy suddenly cleared her throat.  Turning away from him, she shucked off her coat and hung it on the rack.  “So, uh, what’s your game anyway?” she asked.
    “Blackjack. ”
    “Is that the one with the dice?”
    “You’re thinking of craps.”
    “Oh .  Wait, is blackjack the one with the big wheel?”
    He smirked, before patting her condescendingly on the shoulder.  “Um, that’s roulette.”
    “Well, I think we can see that I’ve exhausted all my casino knowledge,” Andy stated airily.  She braved a glance into Tragan’s eyes once more to say goodnight.
    “Wait,” he blurted as she walked down the hall. 
    She turned back.
    “Going to sleep already?  I was hoping to showcase my talents tonight.”  He suddenly realized how that sounded and amended, “Playing Mario , I mean.”
    “Hmm …showcase or show off?”
    “ That depends,” he said, grinning.  “Is there a difference?” 
    Andy paused, as if to mull over the decision : go to her bedroom or stay up late with him.  With a soft sigh, she gave him an answer, not the one he wanted.  “Honestly, I think I’m still a little tipsy.  The smart idea would be for me to call it a night.  I’ll…see you tomorrow.”
    “ ‘Night,” Tragan said, watching her go. 
    Well, hell. 
    What was he thinking would happen? Still…he felt unreasonably pissed with the world at the moment, as he crossed the living room and headed to his bedroom. 
    Granted he wasn’t an expert when it came to the opposite sex, but he could usually tell when a girl was into him.  Andy was different, though.  When he was with her, he felt the undercurrents of mutual attraction, but was usually left wondering if he’d imagined it.  He just couldn’t get a read on her. 
    Then again, why even try?  She had a boyfriend already, he reminded himself.  Who needed the drama?  Maybe all Tragan needed was to meet someone new.  A hot, available girl he could have fun with--so he could start thinking straight, and stop sweating his roommate, once and for all.

Chapter Twelve
    A couple nights later Tragan and his friends were dominating the living room , along with beer bottles and empty fast food containers, being rowdy and loud without meaning to, in that way that only “virtual combat” could inspire.
    Now Matt was trying to steer his controller, looking intense as he tried and failed to survive.  “Winter, you suck!” Pellican shouted when the words Player 2 dead flashed across the screen in blood red font.
    “ No, you suck!” Matt told him.  “I did exactly what you said!  Your strategy is crap!”
    “You did it wrong,” Pellican said, scrubbing the auburn bristles on his head with frustration. 
    “I did not.  Your strategy is crap,” Matt repeated.
    “My strategy’s awesome! ” Pellican insisted.  “You just didn’t use the right thumb pressure.”
    Tragan , who was slouched in an armchair, burst out laughing.  “ Thumb pressure?   Get the hell out of here, Pellican--” 
    Just then the door opened. 
    Tragan’s facial expression transformed and tone softened as soon as he heard Andy enter the apartment.  “Hey.”
    “Hi,” she said in return.  As she walked past the back of the couch, she smiled to the group, acknowledging them, “Guys.”
    “Hi, Andy,” Bardo said , turning around in his seat on the sofa and straightening his glasses.  “Remember me?”
    “Sure, of course.  Jamie, right?”
    Bardo gave a self-satisfied smile

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