Constructing Us (New Adult Romance)

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Book: Constructing Us (New Adult Romance) by C.J. Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Lake
a leak.  Only as he left the bathroom, did he see the light coming from the television, casting a glow on the living room.  Clearing his vision, he blinked and noticed Andy sitting on the sofa, her knees to her chin.
    “Hey,” he said gruffly, absently scratching his jaw.  “What are you doing up?” 
    “Couldn’t sleep.”
    As he came closer, he found the real answer.  With her eyes still fixed on the TV screen, she gripped the Wii controller with both hands.  “Oh, I see what’s going on here.  Couldn’t sleep, sure.  More like jonesing hard for those gold coins.”
    For a bashful, guilty second, she buried her face in her knees.  “I can’t help it!  This game is so addictive!  Sorry--did I wake you?”
    “No.  Want any help while I’m here?” he offered and sat down next to her. 
    “Really?  You’re not too tired?”
    “I can stay a minute.  How long have you been up?”
    “Mmm, since about 1:30.”
    “Wow,” he said with a slow nod.  “ And only on World 3, huh?”
    “Okay, nobody needs your pity,” she told him impatiently and he chuckled.  As she played, Tragan noticed her chewing on her lower lip and white-knuckling the controller.  “Oh, no!” she whispered, frustrated.  “Wait--no!” 
    “You gotta swim faster than that,” he told her.
    “ How? ”
    “Here--”  He leaned over to take the controller, but she didn’t automatically release it, so he ended up covering her hands with his as he showed her how to maneuver the thing better.  As far as skin-on-skin contact went, it was G-rated--but the feel of her soft feminine hands still registered wit h him and sent a signal straight to his cock.
    “Thanks,” she said when he let go, and focused on the game.  The bluish glow from the TV screen now washed over her face and made her already-blue eyes look almost electric.  Tragan couldn’t help being physically aware of her and how close her body was to his.  Only an inch apart.  Maybe he should shift over so they were touching--test it out--but something told him not to.  It would be different if she were his girl.  Then he could run his hand up her leg and keep going.  He would be sliding his fingers up the inside of her thigh, stroking her through her panties to get her excited, and then shifting the fabric over so he could really touch her.  He’d kiss her mouth and tongue her neck as he drove his fingers deep inside her. 
    If he did that to Andy, would she let her head fall back and move against his hand… would she want it faster or slower…would she want him just to pull her underneath him, strip off her panties and take her hard right here on this couch--
    “Am I doing this right?’
    “Huh…?”  It took a second for Tragan to clear his lustful stream of thoughts and answer her. “No wait, here’s a bunch of gold coins hidden in those blocks,” he pointed out.
    Fuck.  He should just go back to his room and stop torturing himself.  His cock was beginning to throb, and obviously it wasn’t going to get any relief out here.  But for some reason, he couldn’t make himself leave yet.
    Time passed as Andy played and Tragan sat beside her, occasionally giving her tips, cheats, or helping her learn the nuances of the controller.  As she fell into a rhythm with the game, Tragan’s eyelids began to fall.  He leaned deeper and lower into the cushion and sighed.  Really, the heavier the weight of tiredness, the more reason he had to pull himself off the sofa and go flop in his bed. 
    Apparently he waited too long, though.  Sitting next to Andy, he eventually fell asleep.

Chapter Thirteen
    Andy blinked awake, confused. 
    It was morning.
    She wasn’t in her room.
    And she was lying against Tragan with her cheek pressed into his shoulder. 
    Panicked, she nearly jumped off him.  Then thought better of it, because she didn’t want him to wake and realize she’d been laying her hand on his chest, even curling her fingers into his tee shirt. 

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