The King's Highway (Days of Dread Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: The King's Highway (Days of Dread Trilogy Book 1) by Caryl Mcadoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryl Mcadoo
statistical reasoning in baseball problems.”
    “So you’re like the nerd guy in the movie?”
    “Ever play the game?”
    “One year of tee ball the year I started school.” He shrugged. “Never exhibited much promise, I’m afraid—much to my father’s chagrin.”
    Ah, the type that loved the game but couldn’t play a lick. He loved baseball, too, but who knew if he would ever set foot on another diamond? Could things ever be anywhere near the old normal again?
    The scattered trees and undergrowth he’d been taking for granted suddenly changed. Instead, row after row of giant trees grew in neat rows in both directions. He could still see the tower tops through the branches though, so he continued.
    “Hey, King.”
    “What, Queenie?” He glanced back without stopping.
    “You can just quit calling me that. If you are King, I am definitely not the queen!” His sister grinned. “Anyway, shouldn’t we gather some of these pecans?”
    “Pecans?” Jackson looked underfoot. The sweet nuts covered the ground. “Sure, maybe you can make us a pie.”
    “Other sons and daughters of a monarch are usually called prince or princess.” Al stooped over to the ground, picking up something. “Unless the king gives them a title such as duchess or countess, then they are called by that.”
    “Brainiac, I’m not his daughter either.”
    “Oh, right.” The nerd’s face reddened and he didn’t say more, just started gathering nuts.
    Jackson got busy with the other three and stuffed at least a couple of pounds in his pack. What a great find to fill all the little empty spaces in there. He then put it back on, surprised that he could feel the extra weight. But it wasn’t too bad.
    With his jacket and pants pockets bulging, Al looked up. “You know we can live on pecans if we have to.”
    “Yeah? Well, I hear roasted know-it-all is good with a nice Chianti.”
    The boy grinned. “ Silence of the Lambs . You indeed are a fun film buff. ”
    Jackson had to smile at the kid, but his smart-aleckness certainly wore on him. “Maybe. I wouldn’t push it.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    There he went again, but truth be known, it sounded better every time the kid said it. “Okay, people. Let’s wrap it up.”
    McKenzie shook her head and kept on filling her pack. “Stuff it, Brother, and I am not your people. We need to get as many of these little jewels as we can carry. The Lord has provided, and I for one, am going to gather as many as possible.”
    He ignored her and headed out. So sure that what? A hundred years ago? The Lord planted pecan trees in these straight lines so that he and the others would have nuts. After twenty or so steps, a gunshot echoed through the grove.
    He froze then dropped to one knee and motioned to the rest to get down. With his hand cupped behind his right ear, he plugged his left then turned slowly from side to side, his eyes closed. A second shot rang out, followed several shouts. That definitely sounded too near for comfort, and seemed to be coming from directly in front of him.
    He looked around. The others huddled together a few yards directly behind him. Hardly able to believe his bullheaded sister still picked up pecans around where she knelt, he touched his extended finger to his lips then pointed toward the north. All three nodded. Heading out, he stayed low and tried to walk as softly as the crunchy pecan hulls allowed. He reached the edge of the King’s Highway and waited for the others.
    McKenzie put her mouth to his ear. “Why’d you come here?”
    He hated explaining himself. His dad told him strong men never did, but perhaps he should make an exception, as his sister was liable to make a fuss even with some gun-happy idiot on the loose. He put his mouth to her ear. “The river’s south. I didn’t want to get trapped.”
    “Okay. So now what?”
    A third shot reverberated in the trees, this one still closer. From out of nowhere, Boggs bolted past him, racing with long

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