The Keeper

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Book: The Keeper by Rosanne Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanne Hawke
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it’s Gran who shocks the rest of us. Except maybe Dev. We’ve just reached the back step. Gran opens the door with her ‘strangers are dangerous’ frown in place and I’m hoping Dev hasn’t noticed, when her expression totally changes. Eureka! Just like that. The harsh lines smooth out, her mouth curls at both corners like it does when I bring home lots of fish.
    â€˜Dev! I didn’t know Joel’s mystery person was you.’ Jumping dolphins! My mouth gapes as Gran ushers Dev inside. Dev’s grinning as he takes off his jacket. Gran doesn’t seem to notice the tatts. So it hasn’t been as hard as I’d feared. I could’ve brought him sooner.
    â€˜How come you know him, Gran?’ We’ve reached the kitchen. We’re all smiling. There’s no signal of the trouble ahead. Zoe’s there. When she sees Dev her face suddenly stiffens and pales. Her face is worse than any of Gran’s ‘stranger danger’ looks. It’s time for me to start getting worried again.
    Gran goes on, ‘I met him in the food mart today. He was so helpful, weren’t you, Dev dear.’
    Dev dear ? Even I gulp. Zoe snorts. It’s not pretty. And then she lets fly.
    â€˜Smarming up to Gran now, is it? I know your type. All out for what you can get. Well, I’m not fooled, even if she is.’
    â€˜Now Zoe—’ Gran’s trying to hush her, but Zoe’s attention is on Dev; she pushes Gran, actually pushes her out of the way!
    â€˜You’re in with Scott, aren’t you? If you touch Joel I’ll have the police down on you so hard you won’t even see the light of day. Ever. Nor will Scott.’
    â€˜Zoe—’ Gran’s still trying to be kind. I can’t work out why she’s bothering. Zoe has that sound in her voice like Mei gets before she cries and I’m starting to smell the burning up of all my dreams.
    Dev’s reaching for his jacket. ‘I think I’d better go.’
    â€˜No!’ Everything’s going wrong. Again! I hang onto his arm. ‘No. You can’t go.’
    â€˜It’s best, mate. I’ll come another time. When things are better.’
    Zoe sneers. When I look at her I don’t know her. Who is she anyway, mucking everything up like this? Zoe’s practically choking she’s so wild. ‘There’ll never be a better time.’
    Poor Gran’s trying to smooth things over with ‘try not to mind’ type phrases, but as Dev goes out the back door, I suddenly flip. This isn’t just bolting horses. I’m being bucked off and I sure as hell don’t like it. Nor could I stop it if I tried. I swing round on Zoe.
    â€˜Who do you think you are! You can’t ruin my friends like this!’
    â€˜Joel, there are things you don’t understand.’
    Even Gran murmurs at Zoe although she doesn’t sound as sure as before. ‘Surely you don’t think he has anything to do with Scott? He seems so nice.’
    Zoe laughs but it’s a terrible sound. ‘Scott does his job well, even from inside. And look at that bloke. Does he look like a guy that’s hanging round a kid for the fun of it?’ I stiffen. It’s the wrong thing to say.
    â€˜Dev’s okay. He likes me. And you sure as hell don’t! You’re ruining everything. You’re just a stupid bitch! I wish you never came here. I hate you!’ Just before I run out I have this hazy recollection of both their faces gaping wide, Zoe’s stricken with horror. Well good. She needs to be told. Dev’s all that matters now.
    I find him down on the rocks, just sitting. His hair’s wet, out of its plait, his jacket’s off. He doesn’t stir as I sit beside him. So I say nothing. We just listen to the suction of the water between the rocks, the level of the sea rising, then retreating, the sounds lulling, calming.
    Until the thumping in my head has

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