The Iso-Stasis Experiment (The Experiments)

Read Online The Iso-Stasis Experiment (The Experiments) by Jacqueline Druga - Free Book Online

Book: The Iso-Stasis Experiment (The Experiments) by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
moved on. Stan knew. It was his second time to monitor an Iso -Stasis experiment. He had monitored numerous other experiments in the nine years he had been with the institute.
    Nine years and Stan was still a monitor? Lyle had to question him about that. And Stan was honest. Pay was great, the monitor door was revolving and monitors were hard to get. But the real reason Stan stayed in the division, he was demented and enjoyed it.
    Lyle supposed he’d find out. Or at least he hoped.
    Stan always wanted to be a scientist and even tried to look the part, but didn’t really pull it off. Too thin, tall, and he had a naturally sculptured handsome face that Lyle had to admit, made him a little jealous. Of course, Stan was losing his hair, which in Lyle’s mind was a negative if he ever decided to try modeling.
    They watched pretty much . . . Nothing.
    “Thought I’d stop by,” Dr. Jefferson announced as he walked into the monitoring room. “Gentlemen, how’s it going?”
    Stan swiveled his chair around. “Good, bad, not as expected.”
    Lyle was curious. “Dr. Jefferson, I thought you said these people wouldn’t get along. It started out promising when Cal hit John, but nothing since. They’re getting along.”
    With an arrogant look, Dr. Jefferson shook his head. “That punch was not expected, unusual for so early in the game. But I promise you, things will stir up. One of the deciding factors is the chemistry mix of the participants. Things will change.”
    “I think you might be wrong in one case,” Stan interjected. “That big conflict, rivalry, Nemesis thing you were counting on between Graison and Reynolds,” smugly Stan shook his head, “not going to happen.”
    “I highly doubt that,” Dr. Jefferson retorted. “My psychology experts agreed. Those two are my ace in the hole.”
    “Your experts missed,” Stan said as he picked up a remote control. “Check out monitor two.”
    Dr. Jefferson watched the monitor that showed Cal’s room. His eyes widened and his temper flared when he saw Cal and Jake sitting on the floor, playing cards and drinking beer. “Oh,” he grunted in disgust and stepped back, “ruin my evening.” Another grumble escaped him and he pointed. “That will change. Oh, that will change.” He nodded as he stepped back. “I guarantee you.” He moved to the door. “Stan, get hold of our controllers up there.” After looking one more time in irritation at the monitor screen, Dr. Jefferson left.
    Slowly turning from the door, Lyle faced Stan. “Our controllers up there? Can he do that?” Lyle asked.
    Stan chuckled. “He can do anything he wants. This . . . is the Iso -Stasis Experiment.”


I-S.E. Twelve - Seal River Complex, Manitoba, Canada
August 3 - 5:00 A.M.

    Perhaps it was the fact that Cal had gone to bed before midnight that made her stir from her sleep. Glancing with squinting eyes at the red numbers on the alarm clock, she couldn’t believe the time or the reason for her awakening. The running water, the low banging—probably the toothbrush against the sink—the opening of the medicine cabinet, all that noise at five in the morning? What was Jake doing up this early?
    Her door to the bathroom was still slightly ajar like she had left it the night before. But now the light from the bathroom shone through the crease sending light into her room. Flipping off the covers, Cal’s feet landed on the cold floor. She stood flattening her bed head hair before knocking on the partly open bathroom door. “Jake?” she whispered.
    “Yeah.” He opened the door wider for her. “Morning, Cal.” His face was wet from washing it and the top of his hair had caught some of the water. Wearing only green boxers he stood in front of the mirror wiping his face dry with a hand towel. “I’ll be done in a second and it’s all yours.”
    Cal, still groggy, was confused at how awake he was. “Why are you up at five in the morning?”
    “I woke you, didn’t

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