Ellery Mountain 3 - The Carpenter and the Actor

Read Online Ellery Mountain 3 - The Carpenter and the Actor by RJ Scott - Free Book Online

Book: Ellery Mountain 3 - The Carpenter and the Actor by RJ Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: RJ Scott
come from, he didn’t know. His dick wanted Kieran naked and over the bed in the next two minutes, but his head and his damn sensitive heart had heard every word Kieran had just said and had come to their own conclusions.
“What?” Kieran looked confused.
“I’m passing through,” Jason said softly. “I’m here for just over a month then I’m gone. I want to work through the fog in my head and then I don’t plan on coming back. There’s no wife or kids, or another guy, but I do have a life that is in a different place to you.”
“I don’t see where this is going.” Kieran reached over and placed a hand flat on his thigh. “Are you saying you don’t want to fuck me? That you don’t want me to fuck you? That you’re not so turned on you could push me over the hood of this car and fuck me into tomorrow?” Kieran’s words dripped with invitation and the touch of his hand sent more blood south. Jason couldn’t help swaying closer to the guy that filled his senses. How did he explain where his head was at?
“I don’t want to be the guy who just passes through. Okay? No giving Finn a reason to have to check me out, or Daniel to have a talk with me about how I am fucking you over.”
“They wouldn’t.” Kieran slid his hand higher until it cupped his erection and Jason squirmed under the touch.
“You’re a nice guy—”
“Where have I heard that before?” Kieran snapped, sounding irritated. He pressed a little harder on Jason’s crotch then cleverly twisted the button to open his fly. In seconds, Kieran had his hand under denim and cotton and wrapped around Jason’s dick. Jason groaned and pushed up into the circle of Kieran’s hand. “I get sick of it. I’m always the nice guy, the cute twink, the one that couldn’t possibly want to tie a guy up and fuck his brains out.”
Jason felt his mouth open and his jaw drop. “You…want to…”
Kieran leaned in even farther. The red light from the car stereo leant his features a strange almost demonic glow and Jason had no defence.
“You want a connection in the next two weeks? You want to lose it inside me on a regular basis…?” Kieran twisted and pulled and moved up on one knee to then half straddle Jason. The weight of Kieran across him was intoxicating and with the motion of the man’s hand and the intense concentration on Kieran’s face, it all proved to be too much. “I love being fucked hard and fast, or soft and slow, but I love it even more when I can top a guy who never thought he wanted it. Joe never realised how much he needed me inside him, but he fucking loved it.”
Jason shouldn’t have been turned on by that statement but orgasm was building and he was so close. To hear that Kieran had taken the idiot married guy and shown him exactly what sex was like was the thing that pushed him over the edge.
“Are you gonna come now, Hollywood?” The nickname that Daniel had bestowed on him sounded like the best porn line ever and in seconds he was pumping up into Kieran’s hand and closing his eyes tight as he reached his high. He didn’t open them again at first.
“Jason? Open your eyes.”
“I can’t,” Jason murmured.
“Yes, you can.”
“You pulled me off in your truck.”
“To be fair, you were the one who said I wasn’t going inside. I had no other option.” Kieran chuckled.
“Fuck, that was hot,” Jason mumbled. Then he opened his eyes and Kieran’s face was inches from his. Somehow Jason as the super-confident partner had slipped under the onslaught of Kieran’s dirty mouth. He wanted that dirty mouth on him. He wanted the coolness of the innocent blond and the heat of his words sprawled on a bed waiting for him to climb on board. Kieran closed the small gap and initiated a kiss. They kissed for a long while, deep and all kinds of hot. Finally, Kieran pulled back.
“How do you see me?” he asked.
Jason had to clear his head. The question didn’t make sense. “Now?” he asked carefully.
“Young, short twink

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