The Invincibles

Read Online The Invincibles by Michael McNichols - Free Book Online

Book: The Invincibles by Michael McNichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael McNichols
Tags: Superheroes | Supervillains
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snatched the orb away from him in mid-air. He smashed it down against the sidewalk. The smoky lights contained within the orb howled and glittered once freed and slowly dissipated up into the air. Soon after, the amber started to melt and dissolve.
    Hyperman and the Whorl cleaned up and repaired the city. They bound Black Rainbow up in chains, but without his orb, he’d gone catatonic. Nonetheless, the Whorl insisted on carting him off to London so Liandra Dark could cast a spell and imprison him in an alternate dimension where his alchemy couldn’t hurt anyone.
    He hoisted Black Rainbow up over his shoulder and, with Hyperman, stood upon Le Blanc Tower’s highest point, gazing down upon the revived city below. Traffic had already built back up, and people swirled and frolicked out on the sidewalks again.
    The Whorl put a hand on Hyperman’s shoulder. “Just remember, if this girl likes you as Cal, then she likes you. Cal and Hyperman are the same person. And we are making a difference. Don’t doubt that. Even if we’re not off curing cancer and ending wars, we’re saving the people who will. What we do matters.”
    Hyperman softly smiled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
    His ears perked up. He tilted his head and used his hyper-vision to see the next crisis unfolding.
    “ There’s a disturbance in New Daedalus,” he told the Whorl. “You got this?”
    “ Go! I’ll make sure the Black Rainbow doesn’t wake back up,” the Whorl responded and super-sped off at the precise same moment Hyperman did.
    A gigantic monster lumbered through the thrashing coastal waters toward the New Daedalus docks. His massive shadow fell across the wharf, the boats cruising around the harbor, and all the dockside restaurants, shops, and condos. The Ferris wheel on the pier jarringly halted, nearly throwing a few couples from their cars. People stared up, screamed, and crashed their bikes, speedboats, and skateboards.
    Heads repeatedly burst out of the monster’s lumpy, liquidy flesh and sank back down into it. Faces with shifting bestial features sneered, growled, and howled. Tumors blistered and leaked pus across its greenish-black skin. Misshapen arms with lobster-clawed hands and tendrils writhed. A bladed tail even dragged down behind the monster’s bulky, lopsided body, splashing through the ocean. The monster tromped its huge hoofed feet through the water, sending massive waves crashing against the docks. Suddenly, it paused. The hot midday sun sizzled down on its wet, shiny flesh. All of the monster’s heads peered up at once.
    “ HYPERMAN!” its mouths garbled, whispered, moaned, and roared. Hyperman zoomed down out of the sky. The people below wildly cheered and rushed to safety, speeding their cars, boats, and bikes away. The monster’s many eyes widened and its mouths hissed open to spit spikes. Hyperman flashed by and deflected all of them back at the beast with a single swipe of his hand. In response, the monster whipped its tail up and down at the wharf, but Hyperman snagged and whipped it away, twisting and turning the creature around, causing it to stumble and fumble about. From there, Hyperman began rocketing punches into the creature’s faces, pushing it farther and farther back out into the ocean, away from the docks and civilians.
    News helicopters and science squad hovercraft followed carefully behind, but Hyperman screamed over his shoulder, “KEEP BACK!” They knew to obey.
    Hyperman bulleted out over the ocean and slammed both his fists into the creature’s chest. His strength and momentum sent it hurtling over the waves far out into the Atlantic. It landed with a colossal, hurricane-sized splash. Groaning and weeping, the monster struggled back up only to find Hyperman floating above him, his hands held up for peace.
    “ Mutagen!” he said. “I know you’re in pain and don’t really know what you’re doing, but please listen! I can help! I’ve scanned your

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