The House of Grey- Volume 3

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Book: The House of Grey- Volume 3 by Collin Earl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Collin Earl
own, pulling her close and leaning forward so his face was mind-numbingly close. He smiled suavely, giving her a full blast of his supposed charm.  Indigo stared at him in a state of shock.
    “Understanding is about intimacy, on all levels. The emotional, the mental, the spiritual, and let’s not forget…,” he paused for dramatic effect while he drew the back of his fingers lightly across her cheek. “Let’s not forget the physical . You mustn’t forget the physical.  In our world of love and fate, there are two roads: the high and the low. And I would traverse the one less traveled as long as it led me to you.” 
    Indigo’s face lit up like a stoplight. She started to fidget slightly. Casey leaned even closer, wrapping a hand around her hip.
    “You’re thinking dirty things, aren’t you?”
    “What?!? No…no, I’m not.”
    “You totally are, you scarlet woman.”
    Artorius interjected, looking very annoyed at the exchange. “You guys, this is supposed to be serious. We’re really upset with Cyann and Monson. They left us. We didn’t know where they were. We were really worried. Any of this ringing a bell?”
    “I was being serious.” Casey let go of Indigo. “But Indigo’s perverted nature got in the way.”
    Indigo punched Casey hard in the arm. Her face still looked very red.
    “Ouch.” Casey’s voice was a mix of laughter and pain. “You can hit me all you want, Indigo, but the truth shall ring forth regardless of the oppressors’ tactics.”
    Artorius and Indigo stared at Casey.
    Casey cocked his head to the left. “Too much?”
    Indigo giggled, the red finally starting to drain from her face. Artorius grew extremely agitated.  “Can we focus, please? We were here to scold Monson and Cyann - ”
    He looked back in their direction.
    “Hey, where’d they go?”
    Casey and Indigo followed Artorius’ lead and began to search for Monson and Cyann. It was in vain; they were both gone. 
    “No way!” said Indigo in shock, “no one can move that quietly.”
    Artorius shook his head in a resigned sort of way. “You should never say ‘never’ when Grey is involved.” 
    Casey spoke, chuckling as he did.
    “You know, I think Grey might have been a ninja in a previous life.”
    Artorius cracked his neck, still disturbed. “I can’t believe they left!”
    “Come on, they couldn’t have gotten far.” Casey sounded wild, excited. “Let’s go get some answers.”
    Indigo pointed towards the forest path. “My sister probably went this way. I’m going to go after her.”
    Artorius’ words came through gritted teeth. “Grey probably went back the way we came.”
    Indigo glanced at Casey “We split up here?’
    “It would appear that way.”
    Indigo shot each of them a wink. “Don’t get lost, losers.”
    Casey acknowledged her with slight wave of the hand, while Artorius looked longingly at Indigo “We’ll check you later, little Harrison.”
They spilt and proceeded, going their separate ways
    Monson had no idea what time it was when his inner voice tried to rouse him.
    You have to get up .
    He groaned at the prospect, feeling haggard as jagged rocks pressed painfully against him. He didn’t want to move.
    You have to get up, now!
    “Fine,” said Monson aloud. He allowed himself a moment more before obeying.  He slowly stood from behind the knotted clump of trees where he had been hiding. He shook himself free of the branches, wiping the dirt and debris from his clothes. Once he was  liberated, the voice attempted to move him again.
    Now, go back to your room.
    Monson remained standing, as still and unmoving as the trees around him.
    He wanted to move.
    He wanted to flee.
    He just…couldn’t.
    Icy pinpricks of chilled water struck his skin as rain poured down fast and furious.
    He stood motionless in the freezing cold rain, feeling it suck the warmth from his body. He looked at his hand as the lingering sensation of her touch started to fade

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