The House of Grey- Volume 3

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Book: The House of Grey- Volume 3 by Collin Earl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Collin Earl
me like a book.”
    “Why would she want to understand you? What does that even mean? Did she explain herself?”
    Monson shrugged his shoulders and threw up his hands. “You got me.”
    “Interesting….” Casey walked to the window seat and reclined as he interlocked his fingers and placed them behind his head. A total Casey move, Monson understood it to mean that Casey was thinking seriously about something.
    “Was there anything else, anything at all? Think, Grey, the slightest detail could be important.”
    Monson shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. That was the gist of it. She was trying to figure out why I act the way I do. I told her she wouldn’t be able to figure it out even if she really wanted to. That’s when you guys showed up.”
    Artorius asked the question that Monson could tell they were both dying to know. “Then why were you guys all lovey-dovey?”
    Monson cocked an eyebrow. “Lovey-dovey?”
    “Don’t raise your eyebrow at me, Grey. This is serious stuff. And yes, lovey-dovey. It’s the only word I could think of. You were holding hands. HOLDING HANDS, GREY. WITH CYANN HARRISON. Do you know what that means?”
    “Nope, not a clue.”
    “It means that Cyann could be your girlfriend.”
    “Is that the case, Grey? Are you guys making it offical or what?” Casey grinned maliciously. “Man, where is the bubbly when you need it.”
    “Casey, Arthur, calm down.” Monson did his best to keep his tone level. “You misunderstand.  OK, yes, I grabbed her hand and she leaned on me a bit, but it wasn’t like that . She’s not like that. She is...hurting. It was just…you see…we were….”
    Casey and Artorius were hanging on his every word.
    “What, Grey?” they urged in unison.
    “It’s just…she’s a huge soap opera fan. We were acting out a very popular scene from some years back. Very dramatic, I’m telling you.”
    A knock on the door stopped Artorius and Casey from beating Monson senselessly.
    “Come in,” called Monson.
    Brian entered the room, but before he could even start speaking, Casey held up a hand.
    “Sorry, Bri-guy. You can’t have him.” Casey looked at Monson meaningfully. “We’re trying to pry some answers out of our dear Horum Vir . This is a matter of life and death. You understand, right?”
    Brian bowed towards Casey, smiling sympathetically. “I am sure that our dear young hero would be happy to explain his encounter with Cyann in detail later.”
    The three boys gaped at him. Monson voiced their thoughts. “Brian, how is that you always seem to know what we’re talking about?”
    “Because I am a very talented eavesdropper, Master Grey,” he replied without a trace of a smile.
    Monson was on the verge of bursting into laughter at Artorius’ incredulous stare, but controlled himself and was able to catch what Artorius said next. “You were eavesdropping on us? Isn’t that against some sort of butler code?”
    Brian laughed. “While I have mastered the skill of eavesdropping, Master Paine, this does not mean I use it all that often. Certainly not just now, as listening to your conversation was not exactly optional.”
    He glanced around at the boys, taking in their confused faces. “What I mean is, I am quite sure most of the people in the building heard your conversation, considering how loud your voices were.”
    Brian turned his attention to Monson. “I am proud of you, Master Grey. Ms. Harrison is a lovely young lady.”
    Monson shook his head. “It isn’t like that. She’s not my girlfriend. At this point, I’m not sure we’re even friends.”
    Artorius murmured, “You have a funny way of not being friends.”
    “Arthur, don’t be bitter especially when there is nothing to be bitter about. We are friends, plain and simple. ” Monson looked over at Casey. “A few weeks ago you mentioned that Cyann was adopted. What’s the word on her family? Can you elaborate?”
    Casey considered this. “I think I told you

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