The Hostage

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Book: The Hostage by Duncan Falconer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan Falconer
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bangs in succession, non-injurious but frighteningly loud, with particles of blinding, burning magnesium to add to the effect.The smoke and cacophony filled the car, one of the small charges going off inches from Brennan’s face. Brennan jerked back in immediate fear, dropping his gun to cover himself. The weapon designed to create instant confusion had done its job perfectly.
    Spinks pushed out of the car and, crouching low, his bare feet hit the ground. He rolled forward and shouldered Sean backwards, throwing him to the pavement, then mustering all his grit and determination he ran with every ounce of strength he could pull from his legs. He slammed one bare foot in front of the other, ignoring the pain as the soft skin on the soles of his feet were slashed open in the first few paces. He was moving, but, it seemed, hardly at all as if he was running through molasses. The explosions behind him would not last long. Five or six seconds perhaps.
    He turned off the pavement, ducked between the van and the car, and ran on to the street.
    People looked towards the noise, looked at Spinks, his jacket and shirt flapping open, his bare feet. Spinks kept running, hard as he could, gaining a precious yard with each step, arms beating the air. Yet more misfortune befell him when the clip holding his trousers together snapped and they started to slip. He grabbed them with both hands and kept on going, but it upset his rhythm, slowing him as the crotch dropped closer to his knees and shortened his stride. He pulled them up a few inches and speeded up again.
    Then he felt something dig into his crotch, under his balls, something sharp. He knew what it was and suddenly feared losing it. He reached into his underpants, still running hard, his fingers digging beneath his testicles. He touched it. At that same instant something flew out of his body, out of his chest just below his left shoulder. It felt hot and it burned. It flew ahead of him. It was a length of blood. He felt a hard whack on his back, behind where his chest burned, a brutal thump, like a rock hitting him, or a hammer blow. His mind acknowledged a loud bang somewhere behind him, a boom.
    The force of the blow toppled him forward. He tried to keep his feet under him as he tipped by increasing his stride but it was no use. His head dropped lower than his hips, the road suddenly all he could see, He released his trousers and reached out with his left hand, his right jammed awkwardly inside his underpants, but the hand crumpled on contact, unable to hold his falling weight. His face hit the tarmac and scraped along the rough surface, taking the flesh from his forehead, his nose, and gouging his lips and chin. His gut hit and he bounced a little and rolled on to his side and then his back. He skidded a few more feet then lay there, breathing hard, dazed, commanding his limbs to get going. They beat the air as if he were running, but he could not coordinate them, the ground gone from beneath them.
    Suddenly arms grabbed him and he was rolled on to his front. A hand pulled him up by his hair, another grabbed his collar, choking him, while another grabbed one of his arms. He was dragged forward in this position, his toes scraping along the road, taking the skin off to the bone.
    He reached the back of the van, its doors open. He was raised quickly up and inside, then dropped into something, a trunk, or large box. He looked at the blurred faces above him, but only for an instant before a lid came crashing down inches from his face and it went black. There were more bangs in quick succession as doors were shut, and then the vehicle’s engine started up.
    Spinks lay, rocking, in a dark, confined space once again. His shoulder started to burn as if it were on fire. He let out a moan, then a cry for help. All he could hear was the engine and the whine from the axle beneath him. It was his worst nightmare come true. Every operative’s worst nightmare.The unthinkable was happening to

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