The Hostage

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Book: The Hostage by Duncan Falconer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan Falconer
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murderous as possible.
    ‘We’re now going to change vehicles. If you try to run, I’ll shoot you, you Pink bastard. If you make a fuss and lark about, it won’t matter because we own this street, but I’ll batter the livin’ shite outta ya anyway for not doing what you’re told. Understand?’
    Spinks nodded.
    ‘I was ordered to deliver you alive. No one said anything about bits of you bein’ missing, okay?’
    Spinks believed him.
    ‘Pull yer trousers on,’ Brennan said.
    Spinks shuffled on his back and pulled up his trousers and clipped them together. He tried to fasten the zip but it was broken.
    ‘Don’t worry about your shoes and socks. We’ll get you a nice pair of comfy slippers when we get to the hotel,’ Brennan said with a grin. ‘Nice and slowly now.The driver’s going to get out, open your door, and I’ll follow you out.’
    Spinks pulled his shirt closed to cover his exposed chest and stomach. Brennan nodded to Sean, who opened his door and climbed out. He looked around and up and down the street. The windowless wall of the building behind him was covered with drawings of Republican flags and slogans. There was a handful of people about, someone returning from shopping, an old woman walking a dog, a couple of housewives chatting over garden fences, children kicking a football the far end of the street. Sean opened the rear passenger door.
    ‘Nice and easy,’ Brennan reminded Spinks.
    As Spinks started to sit up he felt spasms of pain in several parts of his body, damage caused from the ride and where Brennan had roughed him up. He supported himself on his arms, pushing himself upright so he could drag his legs around and move them out the door ahead of him. His right hand slipped off the seat and into the boot where it touched something metallic jammed under the seat.The stun grenade. Spinks stalled for a second, his mind flying through the possibilities. He knew it was a slender chance, but he also knew that if he ended up wherever this thug was taking him it was the only one he had. There was still the ace to play, but he couldn’t use that while this bastard kept so close an eye on him. This might give him the opportunity to play that last card, if he could only get to it.When the kidnap scenario had been discussed in training all the emphasis was placed on avoidance. Once the operative was in the enemy’s clutches it was pretty much accepted the game was to all intents over. ‘Take your chances early,’ was the advice they always gave.
    ‘Move it,’ Brennan said impatiently, prodding Spinks with the gun.
    Spinks lost hope at the sight of the gun barrel and decided the idea was suicide. He let his hand leave the grenade as he squeezed his legs past the back of the front seats. But, suddenly, he felt like a drowning man letting go of his lifebelt. He knew he had to take the risk. He had absolutely nothing to lose. He pushed his feet round to the door and fell back to let his hand find the grenade once again. It was jammed under the seat, but the right way around. He could feel the ring. He slipped his finger in through it, but then Brennan grabbed him viciously by the throat.
    ‘Move your bloody arse!’ he growled, his spittle hitting Spinks in the face.
    The threat only served to remind Spinks how much he had to go for it now. He knew they were in Dungannon. He had recognised the town immediately.This monster grew only stronger the closer they got to the South. ‘I said move it!’
    Brennan released Spinks who pulled himself upright. As he did so he pulled the ring clean from the stun grenade. There was a distinct and audible ‘ching’, a metallic sound he knew well but which, he hoped, Brennan and Sean would not. It was the actuating arm flying off under released pressure from the detonation spring, which in turn allowed the plunger to strike the cap that would start the sequence.
    The explosions were rapid and immediate, noisy and bright, like a giant firecracker, dozens of

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