The Hitwoman and the Neurotic Witness

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Book: The Hitwoman and the Neurotic Witness by J. B. Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. B. Lynn
you haven’t met the other guests.”
    “If you mean the guy you were hugging last night….” He let the accusation hang in the air.
    “Zeke isn’t the problem,” I said, not bothering to correct him. “It’s his friend. Gypsy.”
    “He has a friend who’s a gypsy?”
    “I don’t know if she’s a gypsy. It’s what she calls herself.”
    “So you have a problem with people with stupid names?” he asked.
    “It’s not her name. It’s her…ability.”
    “She says she can see ghosts.”
    “So she’s a little delusional. With your family history, I wouldn’t think that would be too challenging to deal with.”
    “Leave my family out of this.” It’s perfectly okay for me to say my family is nuts. But I draw the line at anyone else pointing it out. “She said I’m surrounded by death.”
    He squinted at me and I got the distinct impression that he was wondering whether I’d cracked under all the recent stress I’d been under.
    “This could be serious,” I said.
    “Relax, Mags. I’m sure Loretta told her your entire life story.”
    “I hope you’re right,” I muttered. “If she takes one look at you, screams, and runs from the room you’ll know why.”
    He leaned down to whisper, “That’s not usually the effect I have on women.”
    If the way everything in my body tightened with need was any indication, he was probably not exaggerating. My mouth went dry, my throat constricted, and I’m pretty sure I squirmed in my seat.
    Amusement danced in Patrick’s green gaze and a cocky smile lifted the corners of his mouth.
    “You never told me why you’re here.” My voice came out as a strained whisper.
    The light faded from his eyes. “I wanted to let you know that I don’t think the Lubovskys are trying to kill you.”
    “Because their warehouse was blown up?”
    His mouth flattened into a thin line. “How do you know about that?”
    “Delveccio told me.”
    “When did you talk to him?”
    “I went to visit Katie before work.”
    “And he just happened to be there at the crack of dawn?” Tension threaded through his tone.
    I shrugged. “He’s pretty keen on finding out who’s blowing things up. He seems to think it might be your fault.” I held my breath, carefully watching Patrick’s expression as I dropped the bombshell.
    His gaze clouded over. “Did he tell you that?”
    I nodded.
    “Dammit!” He slammed his palms into the door frame, rocking the car.
    “Hey!” I protested.
    Straightening, he stared off into the distance, his eyes cold and unyielding.
    For a second, I considered telling him that Delveccio might want me to kill him, but my self-preservation instinct kicked in. I liked Patrick, and I trusted him to a point, but telling a hitman that I might have to off him, seemed a bit foolish. Swallowing hard, I held my tongue, watching him.
    Except for the muscle twitching in the redhead’s jaw, he stood as still as stone.
    Reaching out of the car window I touched his wrist. “Whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, I can help.”
    He looked down at where our bodies made contact. A slight smile played at his lips. “You kill me, Mags.”
    “I’d rather not,” I whispered, stroking my fingers up his forearm.
    He swooped in to press a quick, hard kiss to my lips before walking away without a word or backward glance.
    I watched him leave, struggling to breathe against the invisible vise tightening around my chest.

Chapter Eight
    My need to avoid Delveccio outweighed my desire to see Katie, so I went straight back to the Bed and Breakfast.
    DeeDee bounded up to my car the moment I pulled to a stop. “Maggie! Maggie!”
    I couldn’t help but grin at her exuberant greeting. “Did you have a good day?”
    “Gave hamburger Susan me,” she panted excitedly.
    Rubbing the spot between her eyes, I bent down and whispered, “What about God and Piss? Did they have a good day too?”
    “Left bored Piss.”
    “Piss left?” I asked, surprised.

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