The Highwayman (Rakes and Rogues of the Restoration Book 3)

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Book: The Highwayman (Rakes and Rogues of the Restoration Book 3) by Judith James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith James
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it. Naturally, we know most of the comings and goings in London of folk both big and small. Our version of the latest gossip passes as gospel in these parts.”
    Jack clapped him on the shoulder. “Thank you, my friend. I knew I could count on you. Give my regards to Mary and tell her next time I’ll be expecting some of her plum pudding and honeyed beef.”
    “Aye, I’ll do that. I’ll leave you to say your goodbyes now. Give a whistle when you want me to fetch her, Jack. And welcome to The Angel, Miss Hamilton.”
    I can find my own way home from here, Jack. I don’t need to be fetched and escorted about,” Arabella said as he took her by the arm and pulled her into a stairwell in the courtyard. She didn’t know why she should feel so out of sorts when home and safety were at last so close at hand, but there was a queer panic in her heart, and she was unaccountably close to tears at the thought of saying goodbye.
    “Yes, you do, Arabella. It is safe inside the inn, but you mustn’t travel alone or even walk alone outside it. Trust no one but Nate and Mary. This is a dangerous area. A harbor for thieves and highwaymen, most of whom don’t share my scruples about using violence.” He straightened her collar with his free hand. “They gather here to prey on travelers. The wiser customers meet at the bottom of St. John Street and make their way to the inn in groups under armed guard. Pray put my mind at ease. Stay here for tonight and in the light of day, Nate will find you men you can trust, and see you safely home.”
    “Yes of course. You make them sound like fishermen lining the banks when the salmon are ready to run—all of them hoping to snatch a fine fish. You needn’t worry. I shall do as you recommend. It’s rather odd though. Most of my life I’ve felt safe and protected in my father’s halls, but I was often bored and lonely. I’ve never felt as frightened as I have in these past few days, but nor have I ever felt so gloriously alive. No sky has ever been so beautiful. No evening air has smelled as sweet. No ride has been so thrilling.” She looked at him with luminous eyes.
    He smiled, and brushed his knuckles gently across her swollen cheek. “Those are dangerous thoughts, Bella.”
    “Is danger always so exciting?”
    “Yes…to some.” He wrapped his finger around a glistening tendril of her hair and drew it out its full length. “Will you allow me a keepsake of my adventure with the daring Belle de nuit ?”
    Breathless, she gulped and nodded. A wicked looking dagger appeared, and with a soft snick he cut one long lock, and put it in his pocket. It was a romantic gesture, but it filled her heart with sorrow. Soon he would be lost to the night, and something wonderful would come to a close. She didn’t want him to remember her. You remembered what was gone. She wanted this night to never end. She wanted him to stay.
    “I suppose I should give you back your coat.” It was all she could think to say.
    “That’s not necessary, Bella. Keep it. Let it keep you warm.”
    But she was already struggling out of it. The coat was far too big for her and her arm caught in her sleeve as she tried to shrug it off.
    “Here. Let me help,” he said with a low chuckle. The struggle to free her arm drew her closer, and his low laugh cut off abruptly as their eyes caught and held.
    I thought his eyes dark and shadowed, but now they are amber in the torch light. At times, it almost seems like they’re aflame . Arabella was intensely aware of his parted lips, the feel of his fingers wrapped around her upper arm, and the rise and fall of his chest, just inches from hers. She watched, mesmerized, as he lowered his head toward her, holding her breath as he nuzzled the curve of her shoulder and neck. His breath was warm against her ear, sending shivers through her body, and she turned into him. His eyes gleamed and she made no protest as he lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was careful,

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