The Heroic Baron

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Book: The Heroic Baron by Nikki Poppen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Poppen
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did what type of employee I harbored?” The general gestured to Alain’s empty glass. “More wine?”

    “No, thank you. I’ve had plenty.” Alain declined.
    Major von Hausman spoke from across the table.
“You’re to be commended. You are not who I thought
you were. I have to say, I had my concerns about you.
None of us knew you by face or by reputation when you
were appointed to duty in Paris. Sometimes there are
reasons one is sent away on solitary duty from his
corps. I feared it was the case with you, Captain, another ne’er do well rich man’s son. I asked around
through my acquaintances abroad. They’d said you
were a drunkard and a rowdy rascal with a tendency for
unprovoked violence. I am pleased to report, you’re not
what they say you are”
    Alain looked suitably humbled as glasses were
raised in cheers to the new friend in their midst. The
general clapped his hands for attention after the impromptu toast. “In honor of our Polish friend, Captain
Stanislawski, I have asked my chef to prepare the Polish dessert, Baba au Rhum, made famous in France by
King Louis XV’s father-in-law, Prince Stanislas
Leczinksi.” Motrineau made a grand sweeping flourish
with his hand, indicating the footmen to step forward
with the rum-sprinkled cakes.
    As plates emptied of dessert, the diners grew eager to
stretch and walk in the warm spring darkness. With permission from the general to enjoy the grounds, the table
began to disperse. Suspiciously, Cecile watched Alain
lean over and whisper to the general. Moments later,
the general beckoned her to his side. “Cecile, our young captain wishes to take a stroll beneath the trees. He is
the only one here tonight without a female escort.”

    Cecile read the implied hint between the lines. “I
would be honored to show you the park. The general is
blessed with a lovely piece of property in the middle of
town; it is not to be missed.” She thought her earlier
anger was well disguised in her bland conversation.
    Alain rose and offered her his arm. A footman came
forward to take the violin and safely put it aside. She
was loathe to relinquish the instrument, but it would be
awkward if not ridiculous to stroll with one hand on a
gentleman’s arm and the other clutching the neck of a
    “You’ve been shooting daggers at me since supper.
What have I done to earn your enmity since we last
parted?” Alain asked humorously, guiding Cecile over
an exceptionally large tree root in their path. He’d skillfully maneuvered them out of earshot of the other
strolling couples.
    “Can you not guess? You seem to be quite adept at
    “I am afraid you’ll have to explain yourself.”
    Cecile cast around the grove, making sure of their
privacy. “The Panchettes. You were looking for them
the day we met and now you’ve managed to trap their
unsuspecting cousin.” Her voice was no louder than an
angry whisper. The expression of relief on Alain’s face
increased her irritation as did his next, ill-chosen words.
    “Ma petite cherie, is that all?” He even had the audacity to follow it up with a laugh.
    Cecile pulled away from him and faced him with
hands on hips. “Is that all?” She mocked his words. “Does a man’s freedom mean so little to you? A man’s
life, a family, may be ruined because of your callousness.”

    Alain swallowed hard. Cecile was gratified her
words had hit their target. “Cecile, is that what you
think of me? Don’t you know me better than that from
our afternoon together?”
    “The afternoon showed me that rich men are truly
alike.” Cecile’s defenses were on full alert. Alain had
not chosen to counter her attacks with denial. She’d provoked him so that he’d tell the truth, the truth she wanted
to hear, that he hadn’t sent the Panchettes to their doom.
    “Pray tell, what is a rich man like?” Alain prompted.
    “A rich man tries to buy everything, even people. Do

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