The Gypsy Witch

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Book: The Gypsy Witch by Roberta Kagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roberta Kagan
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platform I felt the remembered chill of the frozen Russian winter. Forceful winds blew as I took my suitcase and began my journey.
Excruciating pain from the cold shot through my toes like tiny bullets, as I made my way on foot to the palace.
Deserted, the silent streets stretched before me. The icy chill bit my nose. Water dripped from my eyes, freezing on my lashes. I rubbed my already blistering hands together in an effort to warm them.
I arrived several hours later. Leafless trees adorned with snow surrounded the Palace. A huge structure, golden in the sun, appeared to go on for miles, with rows of more windows than I had ever seen. A tall column stood before the castle with a statue at the top wearing wings like an angel.
    I must have looked very out of place, because I was immediately approached by a guard with a black thick mustache, similar to the ones worn by the Romany men. He wanted to know my purpose for being there. I asked to see Grigori Rasputin.
A vulgar knowing laugh sprung from his lips, causing my face to go scarlet.
"Another village girl looking for the amorous monk? Well, I am truly sorry, little miss, but I can't admit anyone who is not of the court."
Turning his back on me, he started to walk away. Filled with desperation, I called out to him, "Sir, kind sir, must listen to me."
Without turning, he continued on his way. Panic filled my mind. I realized that after all of this travel I might not be admitted to the palace at all. The thought of returning home without seeing Grigori infuriated me. I had to think of something...

    Final Chapter ….
    ir, I can offer you money. Plenty of money. I will pay you whatever you ask. I must see Rasputin."
His thick rigid body turned at a perfect right angle to face me. A heavy coat the color of red bricks sheltered him from the cold.
"Money, you say? How much?"
A sparkle of greed in his eyes indicated: that for the right price he would take me to Grigori.
Negotiations began. With half my life savings spent on a single bribe, I entered the palace.
I was dumbstruck by the majesty of it. Illuminated by crystal chandeliers that hung heavily from the ceilings, the large rooms dwarfed me. Pictures of the Romanov family hung in brushed gold frames on the ivory colored walls. The heels of the guard's boots as they hit the black and cream checkered marble floor echoed as only sound in an otherwise soundless palace. As he led me along I saw a staircase so magnificent that it stopped me for a moment. It curved around on two sides with white carved banisters, meeting in the center to form a high balcony. Painstakingly perfect carvings of vines adorned the entire area. I gasped in awe.
Poking my back with his elbow, the guard looked around to be sure we had not been seen in the palace. Then, turning back, he looked at me "Move along now, there is no time to stand around."
He took my arm and pulled me forward.
"Move along now."
The guard noticed I had stopped and in fear for his job he wanted to hurry me out of sight. I followed quickly without a word.
My heart pounded so loudly I feared he would hear it as we made our way through the endless rooms up to an antechamber. With a hard knock on the door, not waiting for an answer, the guard turned the handle and bid me enter. Then, leaving me on my own, he walked away. My knees trembled as I came into the hall.
In the center of the large open area, surrounded by elegantly dressed women, Grigori sat on a plush golden colored velvet chair. His hands gestured and his smile warmly charmed the ladies who gazed at him spellbound.
When he saw me standing in the doorway, his face grew dark. His features twisted into a grimace that broke into a smirk. Then a look of amusement took over. "Well, well, well, what brings you here, my little gypsy? And how, dare I ask, did you get in?"
I glared at him for a moment. "You bring me here, Grigori . "
"Oh, so finally you miss me? Perhaps it is far too

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