The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire, Book 1) by Clay & Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith

Read Online The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire, Book 1) by Clay & Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith by Clay, Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith - Free Book Online

Book: The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire, Book 1) by Clay & Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith by Clay, Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clay, Susan Griffith;Clay Griffith;Susan Griffith
    "A ship was attacked by vampires," Greyfriar replied in an accent so
perfect he might have been born here. "We need shelter."
    "Of course you shall have it! Bring her into town."
    "I may have been followed."

    "Spread the warning, Makepeace," the thin man shouted, and
clasped Greyfriar by the shoulder. "We offer you our protection."
    "Thank you, Shepherd. It is good to see you again. I wish it were
under better circumstances."
    "We cannot always choose our moments of reunion. Who is this
young woman? A survivor of the attack?"
    Greyfriar nodded, letting his friend make his own assumptions and
not offering more.
    "Not the only one, I hope?" Shepherd inquired with growing horror.
    "There were few left alive when I arrived."
    "The poor thing. How long have you been on the run?"
    "A day or so."
    Shepherd tsked. "You need food and rest."

    Greyfriar habitually checked to be sure his mask was in place before he
turned from the window. "I've sent word that will soon reach the
Empire. You will be home before too long. I hope."
    "Thank you." Adele was watching him, desperate suddenly to learn
something about her rescuer before they parted ways. "What does your
name mean?"
    The swordsman seemed confused briefly as he slowly paced along
the rough plaster wall. "Oh. Greyfriar is a church in Scotland."
    "Scotland? Have you been there?"
    "So far north? How do you manage it?"
    "It's not as difficult as you might imagine. If you're alone."
    "Are you a geomancer?" Adele leaned forward. Her mentor, Mamoru,
had told her about the skills of geomancy that allowed certain humans to
move unseen by vampires. She had always wondered whether it was true.
"I've heard stories about them. They travel the north, spying on the vampires. But they can't be seen. Is that right? Can you do that?"
    "No. I've heard those stories too. I assume they're just stories. How
is such a thing possible?"

    "Well, how are you possible? I thought you were just a story too. Just
a creation by people so sick of living in fear they created a man who
couldn't possibly exist."
    "Perhaps I am."
    Adele didn't appear to hear his soft reply. She had fallen into her
own thoughts.
    Suddenly she said with great vigor, "I hope they all die. The vampires. My father intends to kill them all, you know. That's why I am to
be married." Her hands gripped the chair's arms till her flesh turned
white. "I hate them!" Her grief was surging out as anger now that they
were relatively safe. "When I'm empress I'll send all my airships to kill
the vampires. They're not magic; they can die."
    "Yes," Greyfriar said quietly. "They can die."
    "My army is the greatest in the world. My grandfather conquered
India and my father conquered Africa. We intend for all humans to join
together and kill the vampires."
    Adele turned away from Greyfriar. It wasn't right for him to see her
so emotional. She was a princess, and so her voice stilled. "Once I'm
married to Senator Clark, all the vampires will be killed so people can
live in the north again. And live in the snow. My brother was desperate
to see snow." After a while, she said, "I've seen pictures of snow and I've
seen it on mountains, but not up close. It's too dangerous; there might
be vampires."
    "I have seen snow."
    Adele looked imploring. "What's it like?"
    "It's quiet. And lonely."
    "How long have you been fighting?"
    Greyfriar took a deep breath. "A long time. Most of my life."
    Adele smiled at him. "Amazing. That you're still alive. You must
know a great deal about them, about vampires. We could use a man such
as you in the coming war."
    The swordsman lowered his head and continued pacing, accompanied by the creaking of leather and the clashing of his weapons. "I do
what I can from here. These are the people who need me the most."
    "But you must have a great deal of intelligence on vampire society. We have some concept of how it's structured, but you could be very
helpful. You must know about how

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