Sword of Light (The Knights of the Golden Dragons - Book One)

Read Online Sword of Light (The Knights of the Golden Dragons - Book One) by Troy Reaves - Free Book Online

Book: Sword of Light (The Knights of the Golden Dragons - Book One) by Troy Reaves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Troy Reaves
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which he would spend eternity. Mists began to coalesce in the nothingness
and the darkness became palpable. He felt pounding in his head the likes of
which he had never known. The burning that had recently warmed his throat and
belly suffused every part of his body. Gregor found his boots resting on a
shiny, inky surface that held his weight, though it appeared as glassy as the
smooth surface of an undisturbed lake.    Odd waves moved just below the surface, and flashes of crimson light
seemed to brighten random areas with no apparent pattern or purpose. He flexed
his legs to jump away from one that burst just under his feet, and found he
could not move.
not worry, Gregor. No harm will come to you here. You are my guest, and our
meeting has been too long delayed. I consider that an error on my part. It was
news to me that Lord Silverwing had taken a student. It seems his own failures
have taught him nothing." The figure speaking seemed to form from the
mists themselves as he emerged from the darkness. His appearance drew the
random flashes into a rough circle that served to light the cloaked figure as
he approached. A deep hood hid the face, and Gregor was both drawn to see the
figure's face and terrified that the hood might be pulled back to expose it.
"You see, it was intended that the last of the Golden Dragons should join
his brethren at the foot of your God. What pawns they were in a game they could
not possibly understand, yet he managed to undo all my careful plans! Lord
Galant Silverwing only managed to delay the inevitable, however, and you may
rest assured he will be dealt with when I am ready. The hunter has become the
hunted, and the Overseer has never failed to fulfill a contract. You are of
little consequence to me, though my associate has taken a keen interest in
something you possess."   The form moved
toward him with a rush, causing the robes he wore to flutter as if some great
wind blew from nowhere. A clawed hand, roughly human but covered in shimmering
scales that reflected the bloody light from the floor, emerged with the palm up
as if seeking an offering or some kind. "You could give me that blade and
perhaps you would no longer be of any interest to me at all. You might even be
allowed to live. Come, farm boy, and give me the blade. You have only to desire
to do so and I will take this weight from you. It is such a terrible curse you
bear, and knowing you are powerless must make it all the worse for you."
answered with a single thought, though his lips refused to give voice to the
word in his mind. "No."
burning in every part of Gregor's body intensified as the tormentor's hand
withdrew into the folds of his robe.   "You will suffer greatly. The limits of my imagination will be
tested with the tortures I will devise for your impudence. I can assure you,
there are no limits to the pain I can bestow. Rest well for now, Gregor, knowing
I will not come for you until your Master begs for
mercy at my feet. Your mentor will be ready to greet you when at last I see fit
to release you with death. Rest while you can." The nothingness returned
and Gregor trembled.
    A reassuringly familiar voice brought
him from his stupor, and light flooded his eyes. "Gregor, wake up! Oh my Goddess,
what have I done? Gregor, please wake up! Master Silverwing is going to kill me
if you don't wake up. Oh, thank the Goddess, you are breathing! Easy, boy. Thank
all the heavens! You were out cold, and then you were thrashing about. You went
dead still, and you stopped breathing and I thought you were dead for sure!
Pumped your chest like a bellows, but you never moved. You okay? Speak to me,
boy, please speak to me, Gregor!"
shouting at me." Gregor thought his head would crack with the racket Dakin
was making. He felt like a bull had kicked him square in the face and stomped
on him for good measure. Every muscle

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