The Greek's Stolen Bride

Read Online The Greek's Stolen Bride by Kate Hewitt - Free Book Online

Book: The Greek's Stolen Bride by Kate Hewitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hewitt
room, his face washed of blood, wearing only a pair of low-slung pajama bottoms. She swallowed dryly, unable to tear her gaze away from the broad, bronze expanse of his chest, the slim hips and powerful legs encased in loose cotton. He was beautiful, utterly and mouth-dryingly gorgeous. She turned back the covers.
    Theo slid it next to her and for a moment Ariana lay there horribly rigid, unbearably awkward. She barely knew this man. Why had she asked him to spend the night with her? She'd never shared a bed before, not with anyone. How was this supposed to work ?
    Then Theo, so very easily, pulled her into his arms, fitting her back snugly against his chest, her hips cradled in his. One arm slid under breasts, the other rested on her hair. And Ariana knew why she'd asked. Lying there with her body fitting so closely and perfectly to Theo's, she knew she'd never before felt so comfortable. So safe. So loved.
    No, she couldn't think about love. Could not even dream about it when she'd come this far, had freedom within her grasp. Loving a man would only provide another prison. She wanted to stay strong, independent, not weaken herself in thrall to a man. A man like Theo, who now held her in his arms, and she feared, in his power.
    She felt his lips brush her hair. "Relax, Ariana," he said softly. "Go to sleep."
    And with his arms still around her, she finally did.
    The next morning Ariana woke to sunlight spilling in from the open windows and an empty bed. Theo had gone.
    She rolled over, tried to ignore the swamping sense of desolation she felt at his absence. It shouldn't matter. It didn't matter.
    Then she remembered, with both a jolt of panic and a shaming thrill of excitement, that today was her wedding day. She showered quickly and went through the clothes Theo's assistant had bought her, wondering bemusedly which one should serve as a wedding dress. Finally she selected a casual sundress in pale green cotton and left her hair loose.
    Downstairs Theo was showered and dressed in pressed gray trousers and a silk button-down shirt in a paler gray. He sat at the table laid with pastries, yogurt, and fresh fruit, rising when he saw her.
    "You look lovely."
    "So do you," she answered, meaning it, and then tripped over her words to correct herself. "Not lovely, that is. I mean, you look nice." She sounded like an idiot. She felt like one.
    Theo just smiled. "Thank you. Now come, eat." He poured some thick Greek coffee and Ariana sat across from him and reached for her cup.
    "So when is the priest coming?"
    "The lawyer is coming first, in about twenty minutes, to draw up our prenuptial agreement. Then the priest will come an hour later."
    She nodded, her stomach churning with nerves. "And the prenup? What will the arrangements be?"
    Theo took a sip of his coffee. "On either the annulment of our marriage or in the case of our divorce, you will receive five million euros."
    Ariana choked, spluttering coffee most inelegantly. With a little smile Theo dabbed at the spills on the table with his napkin. "Five million ...! I never..." She shook her head. "I don't care how rich you are, Theo. It's way too much."
    "I disagree."
    She leaned forward. "We've known each other for three days."
    He arched his eyebrows. "So?"
    "Why would you..." She shook her head again, helplessly. "You barely know me."
    "I know you," Theo said, and he sounded so certain, so intimate, that Ariana felt a shiver of--what? Longing? Hope? Fear? All three.
    She thought of his words last night: I can wait, kardia mou. So can you. Would they consummate the marriage tonight? Such a technical term for so intimate and incredible an experience.
    For she knew, with Theo, it would be incredible.
    "Don't hyperventilate," he said mildly, and her gaze flew to his face.
    "I'm nervous," she admitted with a laugh and he nodded solemnly.
    "So am I."
    She laughed again, this time with disbelief. "You aren't."
    "Marriage, no matter what the circumstances, is a big event."
    No matter

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