The Gravity of Anti-Gravity

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Book: The Gravity of Anti-Gravity by Tim Blagge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Blagge
    With that comment I explained that my date was with my high school sweetheart and that we hadn’t been together in over two years. I kept my story brief because, as I was discovering, Dr. Stella Morton, despite her incredible beauty, was a no nonsense kind of gal.
    Just before six, I asked Stella if she thought it was alright for me to leave.
    Stella looked at me and rolled her eyes. “OK, but call me after your date. I might still be here working and I may need your assistance. Go ahead now. Have a good time.”
    As I was walking out, Stella stopped me.
    “Bill, there is something you need to know.” After a long pause she looked me in the eye and said, “I know what happened!”

    As I was driving home, I was trying to make some sense out of what Stella had said. She couldn’t know about me, How could she. If she did know, why didn’t she say something to Dr. Brooks? She must have meant that she had a theory of what happened or had a new approach to discover it. The whole thing was starting to make me crazy.
    Because of the stress of the last week and Stella’s parting comment, I made a conscious effort to put the whole concept out of my head. I was going on a date with Brenda. No matter how it turned out, I wanted to make the best out of seeing her.
    I got home, went in, said ‘Hi’ to Pops, Grandma and Joanna. Joanna was dressed up and looked gorgeous.
    “Who’s the lucky guy” I said, “I’d say you look fantastic, but I can’t because you’re my sister. I think it would break the brother, sister code.”
    “You don’t know, do you?” Joanna answered.
    “Is it someone I know or should know? With my crazy schedule the last few years I’m sorry I haven’t met many of your friends.”
    Then there was a knock on the door. Joanna went to answer it but I stopped her.
    “Let me answer it. I’ll act like your tough older brother. I’ll put the fear of god into this kid and let him know that he’d better take care of my kid sister or else.”
    I threw my shoulders back to look as big as I could and reached for the door. As it opened, a loud booming voice almost knocked me down.
    “Hey, Cal-Techno Nerd, long time, no see.” It was Jerry.
    He stepped in and I was speechless. As I tried to determine if he was Joanna’s date, she ran up and took his arm. He kissed her on the cheek and it was obvious, they were going out.
    “Jerry, is Joanna the hottie you were talking about the other night? If she is, I don’t like this one bit!”
    “Bill, look at her. She definitely qualifies as a hottie but no, she wasn’t the girl I went out with last Saturday. That was Evelyn Thompson. Remember I dated her in high school some. Turns out she’s already working on her second divorce. One date with her was enough. She almost killed me. And I mean that in a good way.”
    Joanna was standing there smiling and blushing. A feeling of love for her came over me as I realized that my sister was grown up and was sweet and beautiful and mature beyond her years.
    Just as I was leaving the room to clean up, there was another knock at the door.
    “Oh my God, it’s Brenda and I haven’t even had a chance to shower.”
    I opened the door and Brenda came in. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I apologized for not being ready, and explained that I had just come home from work.
    Brenda nodded and said, “No problem.”
    I went on to the introductions or reintroductions because we had all known each other in a former life.
    “Brenda, I know you remember Jerry. No one could forget Jerry.” I said nervously. “He’s a First Lieutenant in the Army now and a certified hero with even a medal to prove it.”
    Jerry and Brenda shook hands. Jerry looked Brenda up and down and commented in his typical brash way “Wow, look at you girl. You are looking just fine!”
    “And Brenda, remember my sister Joanna” I continued.
    “Joanna, it’s so good to see you again. I would not have recognized you on

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