The Grand Crusade

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Book: The Grand Crusade by Michael A. Stackpole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael A. Stackpole
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy
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    Scrainwood, too, had been made into asullanciri, though she had not told him what his powers were, and he felt not the least bit different as a result of the transformation. Chytrine had hinted at his being her secret weapon, and had urged him to continue doing what he had done for decades since she’d had his mother slain. The implication was clear: if he failed, he would be slain, and his being asullanciriwould not matter one way or another in that regard.
    He stopped to ponder the irony of his seeking a way ultimately to render Chytrine powerless when all the crowned heads in the city would have thought
    such a bold plan was quite beyond his grasp. They saw the Northern Empress as a threat to their nations, but he knew her as a far more personal one. They would not have put his doing anything to save his nation past him, yet they underestimated what he would do to save himself.
    Either I find a way to stop her, or I make myself so useful to her that she will not discard me. He laughed sharply at that last idea.Shewilldiscard me, but if she hesitates, I gain more time to find a way to destroy her.
    As the echoes of his laugh died, a tiny rap came on the door. Before he could call out, it cracked and Cabot Marsham poked his head into the room. “Highness, you have a visitor.”
    Scrainwood’s nostrils flared. “Do I look as if I wish to receive a visitor?”
    “No, Highness, but
    The king gave him a stare that by all rights should have caused his skull to explode. That the man did not immediately retreat suggested the visitor was of some import.There can be only two people who warrant such attention. Scrainwood hesitated for only a moment, then nodded. “Send the witch in.”
    Marsham just opened the door more widely and Grand Duchess Tatyana of Okrannel entered. Swathed in winter clothing, the ancient crone appeared to be an oversize doll of careless manufacture. He would have expected her to collapse at any moment beneath the weight of her costume, but the fire burning in her ice-blue eyes hinted at boundless energy.
    Scrainwood forced a smile. “A pleasure as always, Grand Duchess.”
    “Not even your odious aide lies that well, Highness.” Tatyana turned, looked at Marsham, and the man vanished. The door clicked shut behind him. “He is a toad, that one, and ambitious.”
    “I know. Like a toad, he will get all puffed up, attract attention to himself, and be slain.” Curling his fingers in toward his palm, Scrainwood inspected the nails on his right hand. “It must be something of consequence that brings you here on such a night.”
    “Indeed, Highness.” Tatyana moved to one of two chairs positioned before the fireplace. The golden highlights washing over her face did nothing to soften its aspect. “Have you more of that wine you offered me in Yslin?”
    “I do. You truly think our discussion merits it?”
    “I hope you will think so, Highness.”
    “I am dubious.” Scrainwood crossed to a sideboard and poured two crystal goblets of wine, then brought one to her. “I half expect to have you say that now your nation is liberated, you will sever all ties with me and that our business of the past is concluded.”
    Tatyana took the wine and shook her head. “No, Highness, now is the time when our alliance needs to be strengthened. While it is true that my nation has been freed from Aurolani oppression, there is no guarantee that Chytrine will not bring more troops to bear on it and drive Marcus Adrogans away. What we have won so quickly, we can lose just as quickly.”
    Scrainwood frowned as he sipped his wine, but the vintage was good enough to ease his expression. “I will admit to being confused, Duchess. Perhaps you would enlighten me as to how you see the current situation.”
    The crone sat back and sipped her wine contentedly, then gave him a smile that contained too much superiority to make him feel confident. “The situation is simple, Highness. My agents have been in Okrannel for years, scouting, noting things, and

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