The Golden Desires

Read Online The Golden Desires by Ann M Pratley - Free Book Online

Book: The Golden Desires by Ann M Pratley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M Pratley
in whatever she said or did.
    But on the other hand he had, only days before,
offered her a pairing with him, and she had not said yes to that. He seemed to
have accepted her decision to rush into that, but she was not certain if he
would be so accepting if he knew about this strange man who had appeared. A man
who not only had come into her life, but who she had kissed .
    She knew Adrian was accepting of her not being
ready to move forward yet into pairing, but how hurt would he be if he knew she was moving forward in physical intimacy with someone else?
    "You can talk to me. You know that,
right?" he asked and she smiled and nodded.
    "Of course I know that, Adrian! You are my
closest friend and you have proven to me over and over how much I can trust
    Adrian looked at her with a look of curiosity on
his face.
    " Trust me? Oh, that sounds intriguing.
What have you done, Isabella? Let the chickens out again when you gathered
their eggs this morning?" he asked with a sound of light hearted teasing
in his voice. "Did you forget which herb you should have gathered for the
cook again? Did you grab a green apple this morning when you should have
grabbed a red one?"
    She knew he was trying to lighten the mood but in
the depths of his eyes she could see that he was concerned about her. But when
he mentioned the apples, she felt a blush appear over her face as it became
warm, and saw on his face that he had seen it.
    "What is it?" he finally asked, his
voice now more serious, lower and quieter, as if suddenly concerned they were
about to talk about something that no-one else must hear.
    "I…" she started to say but then became
tongue tied. She lowered her eyes from his before she spoke again. "Adrian,
something is happening and I don't know how to talk about it."
    He raised his arm and slowly stroked her forearm,
trying to soothe her.
    "It is alright. You can tell me - or not tell
me - whichever you wish. Do not worry yourself so, Isabella. You are starting
to worry me ."
    "No, I trust you and I do need to share this
with someone other than Elder Rhys."
    " Elder Rhys ?! What has he to do
with this?"
    Isabella felt confused and conflicted, not sure
what was the right thing to do. She looked at the plates before her and Adrian,
resolved to include  him in her discovery.
    "Let us eat and then I wish to show you
something. It might be difficult to understand - it is impossible for me to understand - but it is real nonetheless."
    Adrian looked at her and took her words as being
sincere. Turning to his food he began to eat quickly, his mind churning over so
many possibilities about what could be happening that had her interest so
    When they had both finished eating, Isabella took
another two bread rolls and stood to leave. Adrian quietly followed her, not
asking what the bread was for.
    After washing, drying and putting away their dishes
they walked out of the dining area together, initially saying nothing whilst
    "Adrian, I don't know if you will be able to
see what I see, so please be patient with me and just trust that I believe
in what I am seeing," she said, intriguing him further. On a regular day
he would tease her about such words and the drama of them, but tonight he
remained silent.
    Trent was lying down on his back with his head on
his backpack, enjoying the feeling of warmth coming from underneath him. He
didn't know how it could be, but he could certainly appreciate it regardless.
    Hearing her footsteps coming across the dirt, he
quickly sat up to look at her. He was not oblivious to the fact that she was
looking as if someone was right beside her, even though he himself could see
    She came and sat down on the ground before him,
and indicated to the invisible person to sit with her, before she turned her
eyes to Trent.
    "Put your hands down," she said, looking
directly at him.
    Adrian had no idea who she thought she was talking
to but remained silent, hoping something would be

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