minutes or more while he spoke with a hiring manager.
My dad start ed burning up my cell-phone at about six o’clock. Sean had been inside Saint Ed’s Pizza forever, it seemed. I told my dad I would be home any minute. I prayed Sean would hurry so I didn’t incur the wrath of the man who gave me life and threatened to take it away. I also didn’t want to incur the wrath of the man who loved me beyond reason, afraid that if I called his phone, I would interrupt an important interview.
Sean was ecstatic when he came back out to the truck. “I got it . I start next Tuesday, but don’t worry. I told them I can’t work until five. That way I can still spend time with you in the afternoons before your parents get home. We should go out and celebrate.” He reversed out of the parking space.
“ I need to get home. My dad’s been calling constantly.”
His face fell. “Oh. Well, fine.” I hoped his anger was directed at my dad instead of me.
“Sorry. I…I just don’t think I can handle his mood tonight,” I said.
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll get you home. As soon as I can save some money, I’m getting us an apartment. Then you won’t have to put up with his bullshit,” Sean promised. I couldn’t possibly see how he could support us on a part-time job, but I chose not to say anything. Why start a fight? It was nice of him to worry about me.
I couldn’t figure out why my dad wanted me home so badly. He completely ignored me the moment I walked in the door , but really, his neglect was quite a blessing. These days, he didn’t care if I was alive or dead as long as I was under his roof. He just liked to have control over everyone and everything. He ate his dinner and drank his six-pack in front of the television. I ate dinner with my mom, then went upstairs to my room.
The next day was Friday and Eric, a cute Junior with a good sense of humor, approached me in the Choir room. “So how come you won’t go out with me? Is it because you have a boyfriend?” he asked, sitting down in the chair next to me. I looked around nervously. He wasn’t supposed to be sitting there and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.
“Yeah. I’ve kinda been seeing someone,” I admitted. I felt guilty for not being able to return his affections. Even though he was just a Junior, I might have taken him up on his offer if it wasn’t for Sean. All morning, I wondered what it would be like to date Eric, or other guys. After all, I’d never really had the chance to go out with different types of guys. I felt life’s opportunities passing me by. Guilt descended upon me for thinking about other men. It was like cheating on Sean in my mind.
I was nerv ous about seeing him at lunch, afraid he would take one look at me and know what I’d been up to. It didn’t help that Eric caught my eye from across the lunchroom and winked at me, causing me to blush and giggle. When I sat down across from Sean, he asked, “What’s going on?” His eyes narrowed just a bit.
“You look weird. Like you’re embarrassed. Or guilty.”
My face burned and I struggled to think of something to say, something that would explain my behavior.
I leaned toward him and whispered. “I was gonna wait until after school to tell you, but…my time of the month is over.
“Oh! Thank God,” he said.
My face burned with humiliation. What if other people knew what we were talking about?
“Well, I needed some good news. I won’t be seeing you at lunch next week. I have ISS.” In School Suspension.
“For skipping, like, sixteen detentions.”
“Why did you skip?” I asked.
“Because I don’t want to waste my afternoons sitting in school when I could be with you,” he said.
My heart melted. He loved me so much. I was so lucky. So, why did I feel so relieved I wouldn’t have to eat lunch with him next week?
Chapter 8- Sean
…Come thou alone, and he begone
Who has so boldly entered into these
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