The Facts on File Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases (Writers Reference)

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Book: The Facts on File Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases (Writers Reference) by Martin H. Manser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin H. Manser
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'abbreviated form arron.
    arroyo (aroio) SPANISH [stream, gutter] noun a watercourse, gully, or
    arsenal (ahrenal, ahrsanal) ITALIAN
[arsenate dock, ultimately from Arabic
dar sina'ah workshop] noun a store
of weapons and munitions or, more
generally, any store or reserve: "She
still had a few weapons left in the arsenal
with which to impress her superiors."
    ars gratia antis (ahrz grahteea ahrtis)
LATIN [art for the sake of art] noun
phrase art for art's sake (rather than
for financial reward).
    ars longa, vita brevis (ahrz longa veeta
brcvis) LATIN [art long, life short]
    noun phrase art is long, life is short
(emphasizing that a work of art outlives its creator): "`Ars longa,'said Captain Wragge, pathetically drifting into
Latin `vita brevis! Let us drop a tear
on the lost opportunities of the past, and
try what the present can do to console us
(Wilkie Collins, No Name, 1862).
    artiste (ahrteeSt) FRENCH [performer]
noun a performing artist, an entertainer: "The show featured several promising new artistes."
    art nouveau (ahrt noova) FRENCH
[new art, originally named after a
shop in Paris] noun phrase the ornamental and artistic style characterized
by flowing lines and foliate designs
that became popular in the late 19th
century: "Art nouveau relished the sinuous line."
    arugula (aruugala) ITALIAN [from
dialect arucula, ultimately from Latin
eruca colewort] noun a Mecliterranean plant of the cabbage family used
in salads, also known as "rocket."
    ashram (ashram) SANSKRIT [asrama
hermitage] noun a hermitage or religious retreat in India, or any group of
people sharing similar spiritual aims:
"Her parents met in a hippie ashram run
by an emaciated Indian guru with a taste
for cheap bourbon."
    asphyxia (asfikseea, asfikseea) CREEK
[stopping of the pulse, a non and sphyxis pulsation] noun suffocation resulting
from a lack of oxygen or an excess of
carbon dioxide in the body.

    assassin (asasin) ARABIC [hashshashin,
hashshash one who takes hashish]
noun a person who commits murder, typically for political motives or
for payment (originally a reference
to members of a secret Muslim order
that murdered Christians during the
Crusades while under the influence
of hashish): "Police across the nation have
been warned to keep a sharp lookout for
the assassins."
    assegai (asagi), assagai ARABIC [azzaghaya] noun an iron-tipped spear
of the type used by the Zulu warriors
of southern Africa.
    asthma (asma) GREEK [from aazein
to breathe with open mouth] noun a
chronic respiratory disorder in which
wheezing and difficulty in breathing
are experienced as a result of muscular spasm of the bronchi. It is often
associated with allergies: "People with
asthma should avoid smoky atmospheres."
    asylum (asilam) LATIN [from Greek
asylos inviolable and sylon right of
seizure] noun a place of retreat or
sanctuary, or the granting of official
protection to a refugee by a nation,
embassy etc.; can also refer to an institution where the mentally or physically ill may be treated or confined: "A
merchant in Hopeton last winter donated
    three hundred yards of wincey to the asylum. Some people said it was because he
couldn't sell it, but I'd rather believe that
it was out of the kindness of his heart,
wouldn't you?" (Luc), Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, 1908).
    atelier (ateleeay) FRENCH [workshop,
studio, Middle French astelier woodpile, a diminutive of astele splinter]
noun an artist's or craftsman's studio
or workshop: "Above this floor was a
large atelier, which had been increased in
size by pulling down the partitionsa
pandemonium, in which the artist and the
dandy strove for preeminence" (Alexandre
Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo,
    a tempo (ah tempo) ITALIAN [in time]
adverb phrase (in music) returning
to the original tempo.
    atman (atman) SANSKRIT [breath,
soul] noun in Hinduism, the spirit
or innermost essence of an individual,
or the world

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