The Everything Orgasm Book

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Book: The Everything Orgasm Book by Amy Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Cooper
Tags: General, Ebook, Self-Help, EPUB, Health & Fitness, Sexual Instruction, Sexuality
erogenous zones, which may be supplemented by mental stimulation, such as fantasy. This is the state you are in just before orgasm, although this state may come and go numerous times before orgasm occurs. In other words, you may reach a plateau for a stretch of time and then drop back down to a lower level of arousal before rising up again.
    During this stage, all of the physiological changes that took place in the arousal phase intensify and there is a sense of impending orgasm. Muscle tension, breathing, pulse rates, and blood pressure increase further. You may have muscle spasms in your feet, face, or hands.
    In this stage women experience what is known as the orgasmic platform. The lower third of the vagina becomes even more engorged, tightening and narrowing that portion of the vagina. The uterus elevates fully, and the walls of the upper two-thirds of the vagina expand even more, creating a tenting effect. Lubrication increases, nipples become larger, and the labia darken in color. The clitoris becomes highly sensitive and retracts under the clitoral hood.
    In men, the penis becomes fully erect to the limits of its capacity; the testicles become engorged and are 50 percent larger than they were during non-arousal. The glans of the penis swells fully. The Cowper's glands may secrete pre-ejaculatory fluid, which may contain some sperm.
    Stage 4: Orgasm
    The fourth stage of the sexual response cycle is the orgasm, or climax. It occurs at the peak of the plateau phase. It is characterized by involuntary muscle contractions of the pelvic regions in men and women and a sudden release of sexual tension. The body releases chemicals called endorphins, which create intensely pleasurable sensations throughout the whole body. It is generally the shortest of all the phases. It is usually, but not always, accompanied by ejaculation of semen in the male and, more rarely, ejaculation of fluids in the female.
    Sexual arousal and activity does not always culminate in orgasm, nor does it need to. Achieving orgasm requires a number of factors or conditions to be in place, and not all sexual encounters satisfy these conditions. Sometimes orgasm is not even the goal of a particular sexual activity. It's your choice whether you want the sex you have to lead to orgasm.
    Stage 5: Resolution
    The fifth and final stage of the sexual response cycle is resolution. This is the stage wherein all of the body's systems return to normal. The heartbeat and breathing slow back down and the muscles relax. Vasocongestion is released and the blood flows back to the rest of the body.
Refractory Period
    The refractory period is the time it takes after one orgasm for the body to experience another orgasm. This period varies among individuals and between genders. Men generally have a longer refractory period than women. Women with short refractory periods are capable of experiencing multiple orgasms. Some men may be able to experience multiple orgasms as well. If a man learns to orgasm without ejaculation, then he may be able to reduce his refractory period and maintain his erection between orgasms.
The Body Systems Involved in Sexual Arousal and Orgasm
    Although the sexual response cycle is laid out as a progression of bodily events, there are actually many different systems working together simultaneously. These systems are intricately woven together, responding to cues and messages sent between them to keep the process of arousal moving along. The body systems involved in sexual arousal and orgasm are the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the exocrine glands, the muscular-skeletal system, and the endocrine system.
The Involuntary Nervous System
    Sexual response is initially triggered by your nervous system perceiving some form of erotic stimulation, either mental or physical. Physical stimulation may be sensations of touch on or near your erogenous zones, be it either the genitals or some other sensitive part of your body. Mental stimulation

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