The Empty Coffins

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Book: The Empty Coffins by John Russell Fearn Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Russell Fearn
Tags: detective, Mystery, vampire, Scotland Yard, Stephen King
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at the expressionless face. The only part about it that lived were the eyes and the ghastly mouth, besmeared with red about the lips, the fanged teeth bared.
    â€œGeorge Timperley!” she gasped at last, and half got to her feet.
    Before she could complete the action the appar­ition moved forward soundlessly on naked feet. Without him uttering a word. George Timperley’s pale, deadly cold hands lashed forward, seizing the now startled Mrs. Burrows by the throat. She managed to give one desperate scream, then she was crushed down again into the armchair.
    Tremendous strength held her there. She kicked and lashed furiously, striking at the icy limbs, slapping at flesh that was as cold and revolting as that of a corpse—but she had not the power to prevent that terrifying face with its blood-stained teeth and lips coming ever nearer to her. At last she felt sharp pain at both sides of her neck and could smell the fetid breath of the monster that had come from the grave.
    Her struggles grew weaker and at last eased altogether, whilst, upstairs, Dr. Meadows gave Elsie a sharp glance. She lay reading, or trying to, but she lowered the book as his eyes met hers.
    â€œDid you hear something?” he asked, puzzled.
    â€œI heard a cry—or I thought I did,” Elsie res­ponded. “I don’t suppose it was anything, though. Night bird perhaps.”
    â€œNot at this time of year,” Meadows answered. “I’ll awaken Peter and he can watch you whilst I see if all’s well.”
    He went over to the deep armchair at the far end of the big bedroom, shook Peter into wakefulness and explained matters, and then hurried out of the room. In perhaps three minutes he was back, white-faced and drawn. He closed the door and stood with his eyes shut for a moment as though to blot out something horrifying.
    â€œWhat?” Peter whispered, and Elsie half rose on her elbow and then sank back again helplessly.
    â€œYou’d better—go and look,” Meadows said, get­ting control of himself. “It was never more vital for one of us to watch Elsie. Ring the police. They may still be at the inn in the village.”
    Peter went out quickly. Elsie watched Meadows anxiously.
    â€œWhat is it, doctor?” she entreated. “Tell me: what’s wrong ?”
    He came forward slowly to the bedside, looking down at her.
    â€œI have to be brutal, my dear,” he said, taking her limp hand in his fingers. “You might as well hear the truth now as later…. Your mother has been murdered. Foully! And George was her killer.”
    Elsie moved her lips but no words came forth. Shock had momentarily killed the power of speech.
    â€œI saw George down there,” Meadows continued. “He was just at the end of—his orgy. He did not stay to attack me, perhaps remembering the Crucifix I thrust before his eyes last night.”
    â€œMother—dead,” Elsie said at last. “Murdered by—George—I—I just can’t believe it! I....”
    She stumbled over her words, her eyes half closing. Meadows put an arm behind her shoulders and raised her slightly. From the table he took up the blood-capsule phial and pushed off the stopper one-handedly.
    â€œHere, take these,” he murmured, putting three of the pills to the girl’s clenched lips. “They’ll help you....”
    With an effort she opened her mouth and allowed the pills to roll under her tongue, where they dissolved. Then she sank back, her eyes brimming with tears and her shoulders quivering. What happened after that she did not know. Reaction, and the unending horror which seemed to beset her, overwhelmed her.
    * * * * * * *
    When she emerged from the coma that seemed to have struck her she learned that a whole fortnight had passed. Her mother had been buried; the police had investigated again and got no more evidence than before; and she herself was suffering from some form of

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