The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
shoreline again.
    Cassy tossed a piece of wood on the fire
then she walked toward the strange light, wondering what it could
be. She glanced over her shoulder at the three sleeping forms by
the fire then she continued toward the light.
    “Stop, wait, who are you?” Cassy whispered
as she rushed after the light.
    Once she was a distance from the campsite,
the light stopped and then transformed into its true form as it waited for her to approach.
    “Arianna, is that you?” Cassy asked as she
closed the distance between them.
    “Yes, it is I, Cassandra. I wanted to speak to you in private. Please sit so
we may talk.” Arianna waved her hand and a small wooden bench
    Cassy sat on the bench then Arianna sat
beside her. A few tense moments passed between them before Arianna
finally spoke. “I sensed your fear as you lie by the fire trying to
    “Yeah, I’m a bit worried, Arianna. How am I
supposed to conquer the Evil Queen? I don’t know anything about
magic, let alone how to properly use it. What if I mess up? What if
I can’t do what I’m supposed to do?” Cassy hung her head and softly
    “Cassandra, the Blood Key chose you for a
reason. It saw strength in you; otherwise, it never would have
brought you here. Then again, you will need to force your fears
aside, and believe in yourself. For you see, Queen Alona will use
any doubts or fears you have against you.”
    “I just don’t feel brave enough to do what’s
asked of me. May I ask you a question?” Cassy looked at Arianna
through tear filled eyes.
    “Of course you may,” Arianna assured
    “When we first got here Frier thought that I
was my great-grandmother returning. When was she here?”
    Arianna sat for a moment, remembering those
troubled days.
    “The spirits were low among the subjects of
the kingdom when Abigail came to us. She appeared to myself and the
other Lillients, confused and afraid. We knew immediately why she
had come, as she wore the sacred Dragon’s Breast Plate with the
Blood Key; the very one you wear now.” Arianna pointed at the plate
on Cassy’s chest.
    “I don’t understand why it would choose me
though. I’ve never done anything brave my entire life,” Cassy
moaned, as she rubbed her hand along the edge of the plate.
    “Silly child, the Blood Key did not choose
you for your past deeds. It chose you for your inner strength. I
have looked into your soul and I see greatness there. You may not
know it yet, but you possess much strength and a willingness to
sacrifice for the greater good. That is what drew the Blood Key to
you. Those are also the very things that drew the Blood Key to your
    Cassy shook her head, still not willing to
accept her fate.
    “Arianna, I have another question. What is
it that I have to do to defeat the Evil Queen and restore the
    Arianna could see the doubt and fear in
Cassy’s eyes, but she also knew that she must know what they
expected of her to prepare for the
task ahead. The Lillients had made that mistake with Abigail, so
she did not want to repeat it.
    “As you know on that fateful day when Alona
cursed the kingdom, our Queen Privlana also cast a spell. Yet,
Alona in her blind quest for power did not understand what our
Queen had done. When she cast her spell on the Blood Stone, she
transformed it into a special key .”
    Cassy nodded her understanding as Arianna
    “And through that spell the Blood Key would
only come to one who was worthy; one who would only use its power
for the benefit of the Kingdom.
That is why the stone burned the hand of Alona before it vanished.
The spell cast on it by Queen Privlana sent the Blood Key to a
realm where Alona could not find it.”
    Arianna shook her
head as the painful memories of that day consumed her.
“This, of course, angered Alona significantly , so she cast our Queen into the Great
Dungeon, where she stays trapped in her human form today. Still, our Queen was much

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