The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
not transform into
her Dragon form, thus stripping her of her powers.” Syrea shook her
head, clearly showing the sadness she felt.
    “Then again, Alona does not understand the true power of the Dragon. You see,
when Queen Privlana cast the spell on the Blood Stone and Alona
forced the droplet of the King’s blood into the stone with the
Dagger of Destiny, she unleashed an ancient forgotten magic.”
    Roupert leaned in closer, not wanting to
miss a word of this grand tale.
    “It was the magic of love and
self-sacrifice. There is no stronger magic in any realm.”
    While Roupert knew that love and
self-sacrifice were important , he
did not understand what they meant as far as magic.
    Seeing the confusion on his face, Syrea
continued. “You see, when Queen Privlana cast her spell to prevent
Alona from gaining the power of the Blood Stone, she called forth a
Champion. One who would come to our realm, and through love and
self-sacrifice break the spell cast by Alona over the Kingdom. By
not understanding the Queen’s words, Alona believes that as long as
Queen Privlana remains trapped in her human form, she is safe to
rule over the kingdom forever. You see, our Queen was too smart for
the evil Alona.”
    “May I tell this part of the story? I love
this part,” one of the other Lillients exclaimed excitedly.
    “Of course you may, Brianna,” Syrea replied
with amusement clearly in her voice.
    Brianna cleared her throat then began. “Queen Privlana is truly brilliant for
before Alona forced her to transform into her human form she tore
one of the scales covering her chest over her heart and cast a
spell over it. This making it vanish to the same realm that she had
sent the Blood Stone, thus linking her power to the Blood
Stone. Isn’t that wonderful?” Brianna smiled.
    Roupert was unsure of what that meant, but
he nodded his head letting her know that he heard her words.
    “So, now that I am
aware what has happened to our King and Queen, what do you
want of me?” Roupert asked
    “ The Queen wishes
that you protect her son. Then once he hatches, you will protect
him until the day the Champion comes to break the curse set upon
the kingdom,” Syrea said in a serious tone.
    Seeing the golden egg nestled in the grass,
Roupert felt a warm feeling of affection fill his soul. “I will do
as requested. I will protect Prince Frier until the day he may be
united with his mother and the rest of his Dragon family.”
    “Excellent, Sir Roupert, but I have one more
thing that you must know. Queen Privlana has commanded that you not
let Prince Frier know of her or of his heritage until the curse
over the kingdom is broken.”
    “I don’t understand why he can’t know of his
family? Would it not be cruel to keep the knowledge of his
birthright from him?” Roupert slowly shook his head.
    Syrea seeing the sadness in his eyes reached out and touched him on the
cheek. “The Prince must not know of his family, for fear he may try
to avenge them. The heart of a Dragon is full of great passion, so
to learn of the death of his father and the enslavement of his
mother and his other family members would only drive him to seek
revenge. He would be no match for the power of Alona, so he must
believe that he is alone, and there are no other dragons in our

Chapter 10
    Cassy sat in silence as Roupert finished
sharing the tale of the day he came to be with Frier.
    “How long was it before he hatched from the
egg?” Cassy asked.
    Roupert looked at her with amusement in his
eyes. “A Dragon does not hatch like a bird. When it is time for a
Dragon to come forth in this life, the shell protecting it is burnt
away with its first breath.”
    Cassy tipped her head to the side, not
understanding what Roupert meant.
    “You see, when it is time for a Dragon to
come forth, it cracks a small hole in the shell with one of its
talons. Then as air fills the egg, the Dragon takes its first
breath and blows forth fire, which burns

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