The American Duchess

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Book: The American Duchess by Joan Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Wolf
Tags: Romance, Regency Romance
holding her.
    “Adrian?” said Tracy, after a minute.
    “Yes, ma mie ?”
    “I’m being awfully silly. I’m sorry.”
    He rubbed his cheek gently against the top of her head. “You are being silly if you think that I would ever harm you.” He cradled the warm, relaxed weight of her. “Come over to the bed with me now, Tracy,” he said softly.
    She nodded and let him pull her up. With his arm still about her she walked across to the bed, kicked off her slippers and, in a swift, graceful movement, lay down on the bed. He took off his dressing gown and lay down beside her.
    He was a consummately skilled lover and he used his skill to woo his young wife. He went very slowly, very gently, and Tracy, trusting him, soon began to respond. She had never dreamed that a man’s touch could make her feel the things that she was feeling. She slid her own hands over his back, feeling for herself the strength of the muscles that had so surprised her the day in the woods when he had moved the tree branch. She felt the most incredible aching tension deep within her and arched up against him, seeking release.
    “Tracy,” he murmured, his mouth against the beautiful curve of her throat, “this may hurt you a little.” Then he came into her.
    Tracy’s eyes opened wide with shock. All the delightful aching tension was gone and in its place was a fierce burning pain. She tried to push him away but he held her with unbreakable strength and would not let her go. Tears of pain came unbidden to her eyes and slid down her cheeks.
    “Adrian!” she said in protest. “You’re hurting me!”
    When he finally let her go, he raised himself on an elbow and looked down at her face. For the first time he saw the tears. “My poor darling,” he said in surprise and apology. “Did I hurt you so badly?”
    Tracy bit her lip. “Yes.”
    He kissed the tears off her cheek. “It was because it was the first time for you. It won’t hurt like that again. I’m sorry.”
    Tracy was reflecting on his words and remembering how he had made her feel earlier when she happened to glance down. She sat up abruptly and yelped in horror. “I’m bleeding!”
    At the expression on her face her husband began to laugh. When she turned large, reproachful eyes on him, he schooled his face to gravity. “That, my love, is the proof of your virginity,” he said.
    “Oh.” She frowned thoughtfully. “It happenstoeveryone?”
    “I have had no prior experience, but so I understand,” he replied gravely.
    She shot him a look and then regarded the evidence. “What a mess.”
    “It is indeed. You were a virgin with a vengeance,” he said cordially and Tracy chuckled.
    “What a delightful sound,” he said, entranced. “Do it again.”
    “Do what again?”
    “That little laugh you just gave.”
    Tracy frowned suspiciously. “Adrian, I think you’re trying to distract me. You’ve ruined a perfectly beautiful nightdress. And the sheets are disgusting.”
    “Do you always dwell with such tenacity on the more unpleasant things of life?”
    “I do when they pertain to me,” Tracy said decidedly.
    He sighed and lay back on the pillow, folding his hands behind his head. It was Tracy*s turn now to prop herself up on her elbow. She looked down into his face and smiled slightly. “The first part was lovely,” she said softly and, bending, kissed him lightly on the lips.
    He didn’t answer for a minute, just lay regarding her out of eyes of midnight blue. Tracy felt something vibrate in the air between them, then he smiled and it was gone. “It will all be lovely the next time, I promise,” he said lightly. “And now I suggest you ring for your maid and have her change the sheets and get you a new nightdress.”
    “The maid? Oh dear, I’ll be so horribly embarrassed.”
    “By the maid?” The Duke clearly thought she was being absurd. He swung himself out of bed and belted his dressing gown around him. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said and bent

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