The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon)

Read Online The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) by Violette Dubrinsky - Free Book Online

Book: The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) by Violette Dubrinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violette Dubrinsky
that so?”
    Lee nodded.
    “All of them?”
    He nodded again.
    “And what about the ones that don’t go through you?”
    When he remained mute for longer than Ramsey wanted, Vince hit him again. A whimper tore from his lips.
    “Okay…okay…” He pulled his head up. “If I tell you, you’ll release me?”
    Ramsey nodded. “If you’re honest.”
    Lee licked at his cracked, bloodied lips, before sighing and nodding once. He swallowed loudly and released a deep breath. “Kim…Hyun-Bin.”
    “Yes?” Ramsey prodded.
    “The ones that don’t go through me…they go through Kim.”
    “Your boss?” Kim Hyun-Bin was a key player in the H.S.S. Mob. Some said he was Chang’s right hand and it wasn’t quite a stretch since they were joined through marriage. Kim had married one of Chang’s daughters if Ramsey remembered correctly.
    Lee nodded.
    “That would mean whoever ordered the hit has friends in high places.” More and more, he was convinced that Chang Chul-Moo had played a part in his niece’s death. Chang hadn’t wanted their recent deal, and this could easily be his way of retaliating.
    “Where’s Kim right now?”
    The man shrugged and shook his head. “He could be anywhere…”
    “I need you to be more specific than that, Lee.”
    With a nod, he began, “He was here a few weeks ago but he doesn’t stay longer than a month.”
    “When was he here?”
    “Mid-August…the 15 th .” 
    It was the first week in September. If he hadn’t already left, they had a week to find him. If they didn’t, Ramsey would have to go to South Korea. For specific reasons, he wouldn’t do that just yet.
    Relaxing against the fold-up chair, he asked, “And where does Kim stay when he’s in New York?” Lee was already shaking his head when Ramsey added, “And don’t tell me you don’t know, Lee. People talk about you.”
    Lee’s eyes widened before narrowing in anger.
    “You know what they say, don’t you?” The man’s jaw clenched and he shook his head. “You don’t know they say the only reason Kim comes here at all is because he prefers men?”
    “Rumors,” Lee muttered dismissively.
    “Is it also a rumor that you’re his lover?”
    “I’m married.”
    Vince chuckled.
    Ramsey smiled. “And?”
    “They’re lies.”
    “Well,” Ramsey began, standing for the first time since he’d taken a seat almost half an hour ago, and approached Lee. “Maybe you two are just close friends. Close friends know things about each other, don’t they? Like where they stay when they come to New York, where they eat, where they drink…” He trailed off and gripped the man’s face. “…where they fuck.” In Lee’s eyes, Ramsey saw anger and fear. He knew the fear was that he’d be exposed. “Your group doesn’t know how close you are, do they? They’d probably lose respect for a man so close to another.” He released his face and smiled. “Is that how you were promoted above your brothers, your cousins? Your close relationship with Kim?”
    “What do you want?” Lee snarled.
    “I want to know where I can find Kim, preferably before he leaves the country.” Ramsey smiled again. “He’s still here, isn’t he?”
    Lee stared at him for long moments.
    “I think we should just kill him,” Vince muttered in a bored voice. “He’s not going to talk, and I’m hungry.”
    “Yes,” Lee murmured, looking down.
    “He’s still here, I think.”
    “When did you last see him?”
    “Two days ago.”
    “The Wales Hotel.”
    Ramsey lifted a brow. Vince snorted. Lee chose not to elaborate.
    He turned to Vince. “Cut him down. Give him something to drink.”
    Lee’s sigh filled the room. He returned his attention to the man. “You’re going to create a list with all of your boyfriend’s favorite places, and if we find him, you’re free to walk.”
    “Put that back! Nobody wants the generic peanut butter! Jif and Skippy are still in business for a reason, you

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