The Dragon and the Jewel

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Book: The Dragon and the Jewel by Virginia Henley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Henley
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most ungenerous of him if he did not deed one to her. Keeping her penned up to preserve her innocence would be selfish of him. That had already been accomplished, and now she deserved a taste of freedom. He decided to go over the smaller estates with his land steward and choose something within easy riding distance of Windsor and London.
    They had enjoyed each other’s company immensely, and he was once again loath to let her go. “I should like it very much if you joined me on a visit to one of my estates. Do you think you could be ready three days hence, my lady?”
    “Oh, yes, my lord,” she breathed, excited. “In fact, I could be ready in two.”
    William laughed happily. “Two days it shall be then.” When they handed their birds back to the falconer, William helped her dismount. “You are an accomplished horsewoman, my lady.”
    “On our wedding day you made me promise to sit a horse superbly.” Then she repeated word for word the things he had asked of her almost six years before.
    A lump came into William’s throat when he realized howseriously she had taken his suggestions to heart. She had fervently dedicated years to master the things that would please him. He felt unworthy. He also felt his years weigh heavy. How intense and enthusiastic the young could be.
    After great deliberation he decided upon Odiham, twenty miles south of Windsor. It would be impractical to leave a large garrison of men-at-arms there, but he must make certain that the Countess of Pembroke and her household were adequately protected when she was in residence. With this in mind he selected Rickard de Burgh for the task along with half a dozen of his best men and dispatched them to Odiham with messages for the steward. It would be an easy assignment for them after the fighting in Ireland and Wales.
    William brought yet another gift for his countess for her journey to Odiham. It was an ornamental harness and saddle of black Spanish leather, chased with silver. Rows of tiny silver bells hung from the bridle and stirrups. It caused a stir of admiration in the stables as Eleanor’s groom Toby saddled her mare.
    Although Eleanor had not invited her ladies-in-waiting, but took only her maid Brenda and Isabella’s maid, the party traveling to Odiham began to swell as Richard discovered Isabella was going and invited himself along. He took only his squire and page, since William’s escort was a company of Welsh archers captained by Sir Michael de Burgh. Richard was in high spirits. Who knows, he thought, perhaps his beloved would yield to him tonight if Eleanor and William had eyes only for each other. God’s tears, it had been an eternity since they had been intimate. He rode up beside William and winked at him. “I hope you don’t mind my intrusion on this romantic little jaunt, but who better to play chaperon than brother of the bride?”
    William flushed. He had had nothing indiscreet in mind and opened his mouth to protest, but Richard winked suggestively and laughed. “Don’t worry, my lord earl, I won’t play gooseberry.” William was relieved when Richard fell back to ride with Isabella.
    Eleanor wore striking black and white. The bells on her harness tinkled musically as she came up to ride at her husband’s side. “Thank you for the lovely present, my lord. I must bepsychic to have chosen this matching outfit. Or perhaps we are beginning to communicate without words.”
    Will’s cheeks warmed. He certainly hoped not. The lusty thoughts she provoked whenever she drew nigh would have made her flee from him in shock. Only last night he had dreamed of her the moment he fell asleep. Probably because he was anticipating their ride today, except in his dream she sat before him. The wind caused her hair to blow and brush against his cheek. Then her warm breath had touched his throat. He remembered he had kissed the eyelids that covered her jewel eyes. It was so sweet and pleasurable, he wished it could have continued through

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