The Demon Side
die for. The question is why you are still here.” Alastor’s orange serpentine eyes narrowed as he cracked a smile. His rhetorical question was so transparent. He knew exactly why I’d been here for five hundred years.
    “Property such as this comes around only once in a lifetime.” I snickered uncomfortably.
    “Oh God, Gabe! Are you okay?” The sound of God’s name made Alastor and me cringe and turn our attention to Etta. She dusted off Gabe’s shirt as he cracked his neck from one side to the other. The smell in the air changed from stale newspaper and coffee to a sweet field of wheat and barley. A glint of gold shimmered in Gabe’s eyes as they fixed on Alastor and me. Alastor stood next to me, ready to fight as he inhaled the scent we knew all too well. Before, the blink of the human eye, I flashed to Etta, grabbed her from Gabe’s side and threw her ten feet behind me.
    “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Gabriel the Arch! Come to dance with the devil’s children, I see. Or have you just finally realized the man upstairs is full of shit?” Alastor hissed.
    I wasn’t in the mood to fight an Arch, especially Gabriel, but with Alastor here, I knew this face-to-face meeting would only end in a fight. Alastor had the knack of instigating trouble by himself, and with the numbers stacked in our favor, Alastor viewed this as an easy victory. I hoped Gabriel wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for his tricks.
    The change in Gabriel’s eyes from green to gold told me he was in stupid mode today. Gabriel readied to engage in battle, putting himself right where Alastor wanted him. As much as I had an honest distaste for Gabriel the Arch, I respected him for the warrior he was. He never pulled any cheap shots or tried stabbing you in the back. Many times I have fought against him only to be locked in a stalemate. If he were ever to be clipped by my blade, which was by no means easy to pull off, I wanted the victory to be my victory alone.
    Clipping an Angel’s wings is a very difficult task. They are not made of bone and feathers like many humans believe. Only the most loyal and strongest of Angels are chosen to have wings. The strongest and most loyal of those become Arches. The highest-ranking angel from each of the ten choirs rips the Angel’s back open and attaches a stone frame that fuses itself into the bone and muscles. Thousands of blades made of a biological metal a hundred times harder than titanium are then fused to the stone frame. The average wingspan is ten feet across from tip to tip but the higher on the totem pole the Angel is, the larger his wing span.
    Over three days’ time, the biological metal shoots out vines that connect to the peripheral nervous system, allowing the Angel control of not only his transportation but the deadliest weapon ever known. Each tip of the feathers produce more poison than all the venomous poisons created on Earth combined. If you are skillful or lucky enough to clip an Angel, not only do you get his power and energy, but you have damned him to a mortal life on Earth. Should the clipping kill the angel, you damn him to Purgatory. Sounds easy enough unless you take into account Gabriel is second in command with a wingspan of over twenty feet, making it an arduous undertaking to get close enough to strike him without him striking you.
    “Rahovart the Heir, my quarrel is not with you this day. I only seek out Alastor the Executioner. He is required by God to appear before the Tribunal.” Gabriel nodded his head to me, never taking his golden eyes off of Alastor. The Old World speech the Arches used during “official business” was annoying but I couldn’t get worked up right now. Surveying the standoff, I knew I could make it work to my advantage if I kept my cool.
    No Demon has ever gone before the Tribunal and returned. Simply being called before them was a sure death sentence. The Tribunal only offered two sentences: freedom or Purgatory. Once sentenced to

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