The Darkest Joy

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Book: The Darkest Joy by Dahlia Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dahlia Rose
watching how the light reflected off the pure black wings of her fallen angel.
    “This is who I am. Can you accept me?” he asked. His eyes pleaded with her earnestly.
    “Oh God, Caim , this is so much to take in, such a big burden to put on my shoulders.” Bliss moaned and covered her face with her hands.
    Caim took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. She could feel herself falling into the jade green stare. “I collect souls for the Devil, Bliss. Demons like Belial get innocents to sign their most valuable possession away to Lucifer. They gave me this duty because they knew it would eat away at my own soul, watching humans go to eternal damnation for nothing more than trinkets. The few who sign it away for the love of family, well, those are the ones that destroy me. I saw you for the first time at Merry’s summer fair, wearing those yellow shorts and the white shirt that had flower-shaped cutouts. You were laughing with your friend, and I was there to collect a soul.”
    Caim smiled as he replayed the memory, and Bliss gasped because she knew exactly when he was talking about. He continued to speak almost wistfully. “I kept coming back to this town each time I could because of you. I watched you in the hospital and in your office when you cried over the children you worked on. I knew you were the one, Bliss. My heart fell for you even when you were outside twirling around as the leaves fell. I never saw anything so beautiful in a thousand years. Even if I was still an angel and I saw you in my journeys, I would have fallen just for you.”
    No words could convey what Bliss felt at that moment. On top of a mountain, in the middle of a rain forest, listening to a fallen angel with a soul express his love for her. Belial was wrong. Caim was nothing like him. She would save him or give her last breath trying.
    “I’ll catch you, Caim . When you fall, I’ll be there.” Bliss held on to him tight and spoke in earnest, “You better fight, you hear me! You better fight because I will not lose you, not now.”
    “I’ll fight, my love, for you. I will battle every demon in hell just to be with you.”
    “Won’t they try to stop you, Belial and the other demons?” Bliss questioned.
    “I have no doubt they will, but I plan to be human and in your arms before they ever know.” Caim smiled and tweaked her nose.
    “Good, because I don’t want to have to come to hell to find them and kick their asses for my boo ,” Bliss said firmly.
    “You won’t have to, sweetness.” Caim took her lips in a soft kiss that shook her to her core. This was love in its pure form.
    “When do we do this?” Bliss asked when the kiss ended.
    “Tomorrow, my love, on the final day of my one thousand years is when I fall.”
    “Well, tomorrow, I will be there to love you for the rest of your human life. Until then, let’s go home and make love as if there are no tomorrows,” Bliss let her lips trail down his neck.
    Caim wrapped her in the security of his arms, and she rested her head against his chest. He took them off the mountain and back to Merry with both their hearts filled with thoughts of the future.

Chapter Six
    They phased back into the warmth of her home, directly back to the living room where their journey had started. His lips were on hers as soon as their feet touched the carpet. Bliss kissed him in return, and she closed her eyes at the first contact of their lips. She didn’t care if they were on top of a mountain or if they would tread on clouds, all that she could feel was Caim . His arms wrapped around her, and he took the kiss even deeper. Bliss felt his tongue graze her teeth before he slipped it into her mouth to taste her. She could drown in his kisses. She loved how he sipped at and teased her mouth. She pressed herself more intimately against him and felt the bulge of his arousal.
    A groan rumbled deep in his chest as she felt herself

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