lower lip hard. “The detection sites were mainly created and functioned to discover and track any high speed objects for military detection systems and unidentified flying objects of any kind, and from all the accumulated sources known only Russian intelligence agencies investigated it further because of its tremendous velocity and the fact that the location of its descent was accurately traced into this place and region of the Antarctic!” “ My god!” Weaver gasped, realizing the mistake he had made and what the outcome of what was occurring could be! “ Yes! The location was traced to this top secret American military ice station base, where they investigated!” “ It must have been incredible!” Weaver answered firmly. “The impact must have been tremendous! Did that telescope here with its new technology have anything to do with it?” “ The scientists here, and in the underground telescope chamber, did not even know of its arrival! If it had been far slower they might have recorded it as an asteroid of immense proportions! It was only recorded as an immense explosion or earthquake of unknown origins, which had lasted seconds, and which had occurred during the night!” Weaver was amazed that it actually landed nearby, and he believed it had to be the telescope that had been responsible, and he had detected that they had been up to something with it when he had discovered it in the secret chamber below. “ The magnitude recorded by their equipment had shown them the tremendous power it had!” “ Tremendous power!” Weaver panted, and considered what weight it could have and at what distance away it was. “ Russian scientists used examinations of satellite images to examine and trace the exact location where it had landed, and where it had entered the ice!” “ Like a crazy shooting star exploding out of the polar night sky!” Weaver continued. “At a velocity and force unheard of!” “ After a great deal of observations, research, and discussions by the leading scientists they agreed that the thing that they had found had to have artificial origins mainly by its appearance and its tremendous power! It also has to have vast technology, which may give its origins! They had to investigate it as far as they could! Even with this highly confidential American base being here!” Weaver could not get what it could be or the outcome of such a scenario, and thanked the scientist for warning him of it! “ Space may be full of them?” the scientist continued, giving his opinion. “We have to investigate! The future of this world could be at stake?” “ So there could be more searching for where it came from? Do you think it was damaged landing?” “ We have to get anything that we can on it! We have to get as much details of it and its origins no matter what!” “ The technology could very well make it worthwhile!” Weaver sighed, thinking of how much it could be worth. “ Have they been able to make contact with it?” Weaver asked. “ As far as I know they have not!” “ Have they entered it yet?” “ As far as I know they have not! What it is made of is either indestructible or virtually indestructible! They have been trying everything that they have to get into to it!” “ Incredible!” He replied. “I never thought I would live to see one! Never mind confront one! What information have you on it?” “ There is little so far! It has a vague flying saucer shape and is about quarter of a mile across all around it, and about hundred and something feet high! They have uncovered most of it, except a region still under the ice! They have used everything available to check for places to enter it!” “ Is there positive proof that nothing emerged from it before they arrived?” “ No! But there have been no signs of it anywhere, and no encounters have been reported worldwide from it! “ Has there been anything on getting where it originated from?” “ They have