The Curse of That Night
decide,” pleaded Rajat.
    “Don’t teach me what to do and what not to,” said PI.
    “Hello madam? So Omi Yadav raped you haan?” he asked Aarti again.
    Aarti was numb.
    “Madam bologi nahi to likhenge kya ?”
    “Y… e… s,” she replied slowly.
    “Hmmm… Ok. I am filing an FIR. You will get a call for medical check-up. Come then. Now go,” said PI filing a complaint against Omi, Vijay and Suraj.
    Darsh brought Aarti back home. He thanked Akhil and Rajat for their help and support.
    The time went by at an astonishing pace. But no call came from the police department.
    He had just one option left. The only person who could help him in this disastrous situation. Abhijeet. Abhijeet Raichand.

    Chapter 15
    Sex is a sacred act when performed with a man you love. But when the same act is forced violently on you by a monster, dissolute animal, you end up hating every part of your body that was touched by him.
    Rape is typically considered to be unwanted penetration of the victim’s vagina, anus, or mouth. This does not always mean by a penis, it can be with any object. Sexual assault is a broader term, including the use of force and threat to coerce any sexual contact and unwanted touching, grabbing, or kissing. Both are expressions of aggression, anger, or the need to feel powerful rather than sexually motivated.
    Aarti was filled with self-disgust as she removed the already torn clothes she was wearing and looked at her naked body in the mirror. She wanted to blank out the act completely by effacing her very existence.
    Have you ever been raped? Then and only then can you fully understand or even begin to understand how hollow she felt that night.
    On the face of it this question may seem callous and bitter. But this is the reality. In our country only 1 out of 50 rape cases is reported. Even worse, in only 1 out of 5 reported cases is the accused convicted. Does that carry an indication of how commonplace the practice really is?
    The vengeful penetration of Aarti evoked a strange feeling of hatred against all men. It brought home a fact that the male species has dominated its female counterpart through the ages because of this physical advantage. There is another reason why some men rape women: to control them, to discipline them or to teach them a lesson, basically to show them their ‘ aukaat’ or in retaliation to an affront that the woman might have inflicted upon him. Rape, therefore is not about sex, but power. The use of sexual force or violence is only an exercise to gain control over the victim.
    “Aaaah,” she was in so much pain. How much can a person take? She couldn’t believe that they did all this to her and yet there were no consequences waiting for them. She kept thinking about the things they did to her and the true horror of it was getting clearer and clearer. She couldn’t cope and even tried to burn her body, which those assholes assaulted.
    “How did this happen? How did my life get to this?” She was trying to be positive but obviously that was next to impossible.
    She just wanted to be someone else for a day, for an hour, even if it was for a minute. Just a little break from everything was all that she required. It was more than 5 hours and still every single minute was haunting her like hell. She was desperate for something to come along and make it all go away but that didn’t happen.
    She couldn’t even remember what it feels like to be happy. She was so afraid. She had only heard about rape in news, but now…
    ‘Hats off to anyone who has been through anything like this and actually survived and came through it intact,’ she thought.
    It was truly indescribable how absolutely heartbreaking and painful all this was. She wanted to fall asleep and not remain insomniac eternally.
    She went to her study table, took out a pen and paper and started writing. A letter to her rapists…
    “Congratulations on getting away with raping

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