The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3)

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Book: The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3) by Susie Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susie Warren
grandfather was seated in the formal living room and Anderson opened champagne.
    He waited for her parents to come downstairs then handed each person a glass.
    Arthur was the first to offer a toast, “To the joining of two families.”
    Her father spoke next, “Yes, to Lucia and Anderson may you find happiness.”
    Lucia tasted the champagne and concentrated on relaxing her shoulders and neck. It appeared her grandfather and father might were willing to put aside their differences for the evening and wish her well.
    Over dinner, the conversation revolved around the wedding. Lucia noticed her grandfather and father while hardly speaking directly to each other, were not sparring either.
    When dessert was served, her father asked Anderson, “What made you decide to enter politics?”
    “I began my career as an architect. My first real job was working for a development company that had received funding for low income housing. I spent a number of years working in communities in New York combating urban blight until I was able to go out and start my own development company.”
    Her father asked, “So you knew from the beginning you would run for office?”
    Arthur laughed, “No, at that point Anderson didn’t feel a calling for public service but instead worked on amassing wealth.”
    Anderson nodded. “It’s true. I was focused on material success. I spent the three years in Asia, mainly Hong Kong, investing in and managing large construction projects. It wasn’t until I returned to the U.S. and began seeing some of the problems I had ignored before. I never believed homelessness and poverty were part of the American dream.”
    Lucia looked at her father. He was pleased.
    Her grandfather said “Be careful son. You cannot change the world. Being elected to Congress will dampen your idealism like nothing else.”
    Anderson nodded. “I realize I’m an outsider. I do have an agenda but I understand what you are saying in terms of deal brokering and compromise. I have honed those skills with each project I took on.”
    Arthur stood up, “Why don’t we adjoin to the terrace?”
    After an hour or so, her grandfather left and her parents excused themselves and said goodnight.
    Arthur, Anderson and Lucia sat outside and the conversation turned to the election. At almost midnight, Lucia decided to call it an evening.
    Lucia formally said “Goodnight” and thanked Arthur for hosting the dinner.
    Anderson said, “Sleep well.” 
    The next few days were chaotic as guests arrived and the celebrations were well under way. Her cousins, Isabel and Emilia, arrived the day before the wedding and kept saying how wonderful it was she had fallen in love and it was just like a fairytale. If anyone noticed the strain she was under they attributed it to last minute nerves and not unhappiness.
    The morning of her wedding, Lucia woke early and went outside to the pool. The sun was rising and entire house was silent. Slipping into the pool, Lucia allowed the cool water to calm her nerves. She knew the marriage was a mistake but thought it was the best solution. She reminded herself to let go of her exuberance and impulsiveness. She needed to follow through and do the right thing for her family.
    Climbing out of the water, she wrapped a towel around her body and thought about how different her life would be now. She would no longer be single and carefree, thinking only of herself. Her life would be a whirlwind of activity and social obligations and her role would be to present a certain image for Anderson. She walked back to the house, and vowed whatever happened after this day she would remain true to herself.
    Lucia walked through the quiet house and was glad she had a few minutes to collect her thoughts before the rush of the day’s events. The housekeeper, Adeline, was already in the kitchen and greeted her warmly.
    “Would you like breakfast in the dining room or on the terrace?” she asked Lucia.
    “No, I’ll wait to later. Thank

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