The Cellar: A Post-Apocalyptic Novella

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Book: The Cellar: A Post-Apocalyptic Novella by Richard Dela Cruz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Dela Cruz
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began to scream. Daren couldn’t tell if it was from pain or terror. He raised his leg, unsheathed the hunting knife and slashed through the robe. The flaming portion fell to the ground and left their back completely exposed.
    Lara, in her panic, steered the vehicle into a ditch. The movement pitched them over, and they ended up sprawling in the dirt. The backpack tore away and its contents scattered all over the forest floor. Daren got up and looked around to find Lara. She was a few feet away and face down on the ground.  
    “Lara!” Daren grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up. “Are you hurt? Did you get burned?”
    Lara’s face and hair were covered in dirt. She coughed and spat some out of her mouth.
    “I’m fine.” She held on to Daren as she got on her feet. “Just a bit shaken up.”
    Angry shouts were headed their way. The glow of torches was getting brighter against the surrounding trees. Daren looked around at the food strewn about. He had to at least take home something. He picked up a few cans and shoved them in his coat pocket.
    Daren looked at Lara as she pulled up the wheeled platform.
    “I think it’s broken,” she said.
    “Then let’s run!”
    Daren grabbed her arm and dragged her through the trees. He kept a strong grip on her as they both hurtled through the woods, determined not to lose sight of her no matter what. He kept on for a full minute before he heard Lara’s protests.
    “Oww!” she squealed. “You’re hurting me. I can run fine on my own.”
    Daren reluctantly let go of her arm.
    “Sorry,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were with me, that’s all.”
    “That’s really sweet, but I can manage.”
    There was a loud thud just above them. Both of them ducked and looked up. An arrow protruded from the bark of the tree. They turned to see a man about twenty yards away reloading his crossbow.
    “Go! Go! Go!” Daren shouted as they both scrambled away.
    “I don’t think we should worry too much.” Lara avoided some low hanging branches. “He’s been a pretty lousy shot.”
    Daren dodged from side to side as he ran. “He’ll keep at it and get lucky.”
    “My, aren’t we upbeat tonight,” huffed Lara, keeping pace with him.
    At that point they had run almost five minutes at top speed, and the exertion was starting to wear on them. Once or twice they nearly tripped over a few rocks. Daren heard Lara gasping for breath. He heard her falling farther and farther behind. Soon he had to stop and run back to where she stood. He found her beside a large tree. She leaned her back on the trunk and closed her eyes. Her chest heaved with every breath.
    “I can’t do this, Daren.” She wiped the sweat off her forehead. “I’m not fit enough. I’ve been riding that damned thing too long.”
    “You have to.” He grabbed her arm. “You have any idea what they’ll do if they catch us?”
    “Okay…okay…I’ll try.”
    They were on the move again but at a much slower pace. His heart fell when he noticed she was practically hobbling. Daren had to drape her arm over his neck as he held her rib cage to support her.
    “Perfect excuse to cop a feel, huh?” she quipped.
    “Yeah, now that you mention it.”
    The battle cries of the raiders came surging back again. Whatever ground they gained earlier was being lost with every passing second. There was no way he could support Lara and outrun them. And he was certain she knew that, too.
    “We’ll never get away at this pace, you know.” Lara looked over her shoulder.
    Daren guided her forward. “Look who’s upbeat now.”
    “I’m serious,” she said. “I don’t want to hold you back.”
    “Are you even listening to yourself? There’s no way I’m leaving you with those savages!”
    A whizz passed through the air again. A sharp blow struck him in his left calf. Intense pain radiated from his wound. He yelped in agony as he stumbled to the ground. Lara collapsed along with him.
    “What’s wrong?”

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