
Read Online Jubilate by Michael Arditti - Free Book Online

Book: Jubilate by Michael Arditti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Arditti
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always saying you want to help and look what happens. You know you mustn’t let him out of your sight.’
    ‘That’s not fair. I’ve just introduced him to Mr O’Shaughnessy.’
    ‘He can’t have gone far,’ Louisa says with practised practicality. ‘We’ll soon track him down.’
    ‘Such a fuss,’ Patricia says, determined to save face. ‘He’s probably gone to the little boys’ room.’
    ‘I can take a look there if you want,’ I say.
    ‘More likely the little girls’ room,’ Gillian says, with revealing bitterness . ‘But you’re right. We’re bound to find him if we spread out. I’d be glad of your help.’ She looks me in the eye and the wooziness returns.
    At that moment two security guards run past and the colour drains out of Gillian’s face. It is as though, for all the threat of bombs and fires and robberies, experience has taught her to attribute any incident to Richard. As we follow the guards into Accessorize, her instinct turns out to be sound. The guards have grabbed hold of Richard, while a flustered woman slumps in a chair tended by a pair of salesgirls. A small group of passengers, drawn by the disturbance, watches from the lobby.
    ‘Gilly,’ Richard says, lurching forward to touch his wife. The guards tighten their grip on his arm, and he makes no attempt to resist. The guards exchange an uneasy glance as though recognising that this is not a cut and dried case.
    ‘Oh darling,’ Patricia says. ‘What have you done now?’
    ‘Nothing, honest! She was my friend. Gilly …’ He appeals to his wife who ignores him and crosses to the women.
    ‘My son’s had an accident. He’s quite harmless.’ Patricia addresses the guards as if they were waiters. ‘You can let him go.’
    ‘I’ll take care of this,’ Louisa says, proficient in damage limitation. ‘Louisa Brennan, director of the Jubilate pilgrimage.’ She holds out her hand to the nearest guard, who keeps his firmly on Richard. ‘We’re taking a group of sick – some very sick – people to Lourdes. This gentleman’s had a brain haemorrhage which, among much else, has destroyed all his inhibitions. He has no awareness of what he’s doing.’
    To judge by his shamefaced demeanour, he has every awareness of what he has done, but it is not my place to comment. So I fix my attention on Gillian, who stands by the counter talking to the victim. I long to eavesdrop but fear that my presence is already intrusive enough. It is left to Louisa to bridge the gap, as she strides across to the cluster of women.
    ‘I’m extremely sorry, Madam,’ she says. ‘Richard’s one of the hospital pilgrims we’re taking to Lourdes.’
    ‘They ought to lock him up,’ one of the salesgirls says.
    ‘It was the shock,’ the victim says softly. ‘He came into the cubicle and wouldn’t leave. So I panicked. I’m sorry.’
    ‘No, you mustn’t be,’ Gillian says.
    ‘And throw away the key,’ the salesgirl adds.
    ‘Is there someone we can fetch?’ Louisa asks. ‘Your husband?’
    ‘No!’ the woman shouts. ‘No,’ she says more quietly, ‘he’d only get worked up. No harm done. Not even the shirt,’ she says, examining the sleeves.
    ‘You must at least let us offer it to you,’ Gillian says. ‘A token.’
    ‘No, really. It’s not necessary. I understand.’
    ‘I’d like to. Please.’
    ‘Well, if you’re sure. Thank you. I’ll go and change.’ She stands unsteadily and, with an anxious gaze at Richard, moves into the cubicle. The two guards look relieved to find the matter settled with the minimum of pain and paperwork. At the same time, they are determined to protect themselves against repercussions.
    ‘What time’s your flight?’ one asks Louisa.
    ‘Eleven o’clock. We’ll be called any minute,’ she adds, as if this were further reason to let the matter drop.
    ‘I knew it was something and nothing,’ Patricia says, smiling at Richard. ‘A silly mix-up.’
    As she walks past to take charge of

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