The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell)

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Book: The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell) by Carole Pitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Pitt
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my friends in the Fire Service.'
    Sleeping until ten had left her feeling energised despite the scary run through Cresswell woods. From the moment she'd set foot inside the creepy dank atmosphere Elizabeth had regretted her crazy impulse to avoid the press. The night had clouded over and with no moon to break up the forbidding darkness she'd started running immediately. By the time she reached the street she'd had to stop for five minutes to get her breath back. One or two pedestrians had given her odd looks as she leaned against a wrought iron fence clutching her chest. She was glad Patterson had rescued her.
    Rather than lie in and waste her day, Elizabeth set to. The bird feeders needed filling up and the birdbath cleaning out. It was a good day to tackle mundane jobs. She spent half an hour on bird maintenance then sat on the patio and scrutinised the garden. Her own efforts the previous summer had been disappointing. Then in early March she'd overheard two of her neighbours complaining about her overgrown hedges and piles of rubbish so she'd hired someone to do the heavy work, a local gardener called Gerry Redwood. Not that they'd complained to her.
    'Because I'm a cop,' she'd told Gerry, 'they daren't say anything to my face.'
    Now she was tempted to invite them over to see the transformation. She prodded the soil in one of the pots and dutifully filled up her new watering can. The cost of the plants and Gerry's wages had made a dent in her household budget but the results were well worth it. Last year she'd tried planting up patio containers but hadn't bothered to feed or water them. Having Gerry to remind her made a difference.
    She wandered over to Bagpuss. 'I might cut the grass later.' she told Bagpuss, who opened one eye to confirm he'd heard.
    Back indoors, Elizabeth noticed the sitting room door was slightly open and she could hear snoring. She poked her head in and saw Patterson sleeping on the sofa. When she'd gone up to bed , a little the worse for wear, he'd assured her he would ring for a taxi. At two in the morning she'd come downstairs for water to stave off the inevitable hangover and saw Patterson fast asleep on her sofa.
    She'd just unhooked a large frying pan and placed it on the stove when the phone rang. Her first instinct was to ignore it but too many years policing said otherwise.
    When she heard the voice at the other end her heart lurched.
    'I want you and Patterson in my office in half an hour,' Yeats said.
    'I 'm taking the day off. Check the rota, I have at least a month's leave owing.'
    Yeats sounded furious . 'Wilson's murder is headlines in the national press. Everyone comes in unless they’re seriously ill and Patterson's not answering my calls. Where he is?'
    Sorry, I don ’t know, I've just got out of bed, you 'll have to keep trying,' she replied.
    'Half an hour Jewell,' he ordered.
    Elizabeth allowed herself a smile. 'I'll think about it,' she said and hung up.
    While she cooked the bacon and eggs, Liam Yeats dominated her thoughts , but this time with no ill effect. His criticism of Park Road's morale had some justification, not that she would ever admit he had a point. There had been occasions when even she'd despaired, especially during January. Daly had seemed unusually preoccupied and it wasn't necessarily about the Steele investigation. However, for the most part her team had pulled together despite a limited budget. Gloucestershire might have its fair share of wealthy residents, but it was still a predominantly rural county and couldn't command large amounts of government support unlike big cities.
    Why the powers chose Yeats to take over from Daly baffled Elizabeth. Redeployed officers were common enough if there was a temporary gap to fill. Or even a permanent one. She'd worked alongside officers from all over the UK without any problems. The Daly situation had shocked and surprised everyone. Yes, he'd constantly prevaricated over exactly when he intended to retire.

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